tlcassis Progress Report

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!

The War of Light and Dark

The War of Light and Dark is an ancient paegant play, established in the oral tradition of the dwarves, elves and orcs.

1412 words

Saimon, Father of Civilization

Saimon (say-mon), First of the demi-gods of the elves, the original consort of Lameravis the Ancient Voice, and Father and Founder of the Elven nation of Dryadae.

1574 words

Hyadilith the White Lady

Hyadilith, the White Lady was the first female consort of the elven god Lameravis. Her command over the elven noble houses brought Dryadae agriculture, stability and structure necessary to accomplsh Saimon's vision for the new Elven nation.

1770 words

Murdu, Lord of the Sword

Murdu, Lord of the Sword and third consort of the god Lameravis, built and led the armies of Dryadae in defense of their homeland against the orcs.

2557 words

Ancyia, Queen of Ways

Ancyia, Lady ot the Dancing Ways was a merchant queen who built and controlled a widespread empire of trade routes, monetary systems, and trade goods. Also, she was good enough in bed to command the attention of the wayward god Lameravis...

4292 words

tlcassis Progress so far

13809 words 138.09% completed!

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Writer, foodie, gamer, rocket scientist.

I had to give up square dancing during COVID :-(

I look for heros.
I love people who have the courage to do something meaningful and useful with their lives.
I know that no one is perfect and that forgiveness is necessary.
I act as though every person matters and that our actions have impact in the world around us.
I rest in the tenant that faith in God is the foundation of hope and the key to surviving the inevitable darkness that enters everyone's life.
I seek to make the world a better place by making myself a better person and encouraging others to do so too.
I know that the only meaningful measure of success in life is the content of your character. Every other measure is effected by things outside our control, but how we respond to the world around us is entirely in our own control.

I find heros every day.

Favorite TV Series

Big Bang Theory, Dead Like Me, Mom, America's Test Kitchen, Milk Street

Favorite Books

Lord of the Rings, The Belgariad & Mallorean, Foundation Series, The Corinthian, God Game, Jhereg, The Path of the Wise

Favorite Games

DnD 5e (we homebrew), FFIVX, WoW, Diablo, Rummikub

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