eccbooks Progress Report

Uther Pendragon

Uther Pendragon, the first King of Promiseland, was one of the so-called False Kings who dominated Wonderland during the Second Age of Eden.

508 words

WorldEmber 2024 Scrapbook

This is a place for all of the substantive worldbuilding I’ve added to articles that are themselves not eligible for inclusion in my WorldEmber 2024 wordcount.

749 words


Guinevere was the wife of King Arthur Pendragon and later the Queen of Promiseland in her own right.

492 words

Leondegrance Pendragon

Leondegrance Pendragon, King of Promiseland, was purported to be the son of King Arthur. In reality, however, his father was the queen’s lover Lancelot du Lac.

391 words

Tristan Pendragon

Tristan Pendragon, King of Promiseland, was a scandalous figure in Edenian history.

489 words

Claudia Pendragon

Claudia Pendragon was the final Queen of Promiseland before Frieda Jacobs’ unification of Wonderland in 263.

379 words


Called 'insane' by the Neverlanders whose ships and ports he terrorized at random, Östen ruled by fear, yes, but was also driven by it.

490 words


Ingvar Östenson, King of Neverland, was dashing and much beloved hero in the corner of Eden which he called home.

567 words

Finn the Usurper

Finnegan Viggosson, sometimes called The Usurper, was the final King of Neverland.

583 words


Oskar Wolff, the first King of Fatherland, was a boisterous, ill-tempered megalomaniac who believed that he alone could save the peoples of Eden from themselves and their ineffectual leaders.

487 words

Wilhelm I

Though he strove in his youth to be less a tyrant than his father, Wilhelm I could not outrun the evil in his genes.

488 words

Wilhelm II

Wilhelm II was the first King of Fatherland who didn’t suck.

606 words

Felix I

Felix I, King of Fatherland, is better known for the 72 years he spent waiting to rule than the four years he actually sat the throne.

649 words


Adelaide, Queen of Fatherland, was the first and last queen regnant of that place.

495 words

Felix II

Felix II, King of Fatherland, was the last monarch of that place before it became part of the United Kingdom of Wonderland.

427 words

Yellow Brick Road

The Yellow Brick Road is perhaps the most famous landmark in the whole of Ostké (the land better known as Oz).

413 words

Lasso Lounge

The Lasso Lounge is a famous brothel in the Motherlandian city of Watersmeet.

273 words


Melinda Ursula Faulkner, better known as Medusa, was an Earthling refugee from the Earth-666 iteration of reality.

1010 words

Empire of Oz

The Empire of Oz was the autocratic government which supplanted the United Countries of Ostké at the end of The Invasion.

829 words

Big Bad Wolf

Bilious Bartholomew Wildehund, better known as the Big Bad Wolf, was a childhood friend of Frieda Jacobs. Later, after a serious of unfortunate events, he was pressed into the service of the young woman’s chief nemesis: the Wizard of Oz.

1059 words


Thida was the goddess of the ancient Bekiskapan religion of Hornaism.

373 words

George I

George I, King of Yesterland, was an Earthling refugee from the Earth-666 iteration of reality.

449 words


Gwendolyn Ellaswife, Queen of Yesterland, was an adventurous monarch who was the first Edenian to encounter all eight of the supernatural filters designed to keep evildoers out of this purgatorial paradise—and to keep all citizens safely within.

577 words

Frederick I

Frederick I, King of Yesterland, was perhaps better known for his singing career than his time spent on the throne.

450 words

Frederick II

Frederick II, King of Yesterland, was a brooding, melancholy monarch who struggled to live up to the lofty expectations of happiness set by his father.

497 words

Frederick III

Frederick III, King of Yesterland, served for so many years as a stand-in for his grandfather and father that he is perhaps better known for his role as “The King’s Representative” than for the twenty-four years he spent on the throne.

630 words

George II

George II, King of Yesterland, was the last king of that place before the ascension of Frieda Jacobs as Queen of Hearts.

567 words

Cavern of Innuendo

The Cavern of Innuendo is both a physical cave, located near the base of Dükuhüo Aüki in The Garden, and a metaphysical plane of existence open only to the most ardent followers of the goddess Phina.

322 words

Phina’s Tongue

Phina’s Tongue is the brand name for a line of personal intimacy aids developed by the Sisterhood of Sex Workers and popular throughout Eden.

426 words

Vladimir I

Vladimir I, King of Motherland, was the first monarch of that place and one of the so-called False Kings.

945 words

Alexey I

Alexey I, King of Motherland, was a weak, ineffectual leader who largely relied upon his wife to keep the peace in their perpetually troubled country.

571 words

False Kings

The False Kings were a group of human refugees who, after hoodwinking the native population, assumed control of the Edenian territory of Wonderland.

1092 words


The Covenant of the Godless is the largest and most well-known of the elven religions. They teach that the creators of the universe were malevolent beings who created elves and other people as part of a sadistic power fantasy.

282 words


Catherine, Queen of Motherland, reigned for just nine years—all of which were spent with the shadow of her beloved father hanging over her.

383 words

Vladimir II

Vladimir believed that the most effective rulers did whatever it took to hold onto power. Fortunately for his subjects, he also believed that the key to retaining control of one’s country was to keep the people happy.

507 words

Alexey III

Alexey the Reluctant, King of Motherland, was a tragic figure in the history of his country and the purgatorial paradise of Eden. He never wanted to be king, told his parents as much, sought for years for a legal option to abdicate his responsibility.

614 words


Nicola, Queen of Motherland, was the third-born child of Vladimir II and therefore never supposed to be the monarch.

447 words


Anastasius, King of Motherland, was the final monarch of that place before it was absorbed into Frieda Jacobs’ United Kingdom of Wonderland.

654 words


Infamous for its “mean streets,” Watersmeet has long been touted as the lasting legacy of the so-called False Kings.

567 words


One might mistake Covenant for a quaint village in the English countryside, if not for the two massive castles you’ll find here—one of which is the legendary Camelot.

404 words

Mab Bexkosh

Named for the briar patch which sprouted up around the cottage where Aesling O’Briar slept for 100 years, Mab Bexkosh was the capital of the Kingdom of Neverland before that government’s collapse in 175.

400 words


Jabberwocks are a subspecies of dragon characterized by their ability to speak—albeit at such speed and with such excitement that they sound as if they’re talking nothing but nonsense.

259 words

Transparadise Railroad

The Transparadise Railroad is a continuous railroad line, built between 117 and 123, which runs from Embershire in the west to the Reekian Wall in the east.

293 words

Edenian Amnesia

Created by the sister goddesses themselves, the condition resulted in the blurring or removal of memories which might make a newly arrived refugee struggle to adapt to life in Eden.

506 words

Wonderlandian Croquet

Wonderlandian Croquet is a popular sport in Eden and the national pastime of the United Kingdom of Wonderland.

613 words

EEP Audiovisual Implants

EEP Audivisual Impants are the primary way for accessing content on the EdenNet, and in particular the near-limitless media library of the Everything Ever Produced project.

166 words

The Dance of Dreams

The Dance of Dreams is a supernatural ability which allows two or more sapient beings to “dance” through each other’s memories.

432 words

King of Hearts

The King of Hearts is the democratically elected head of government in the United Kingdom of Wonderland, chosen to serve as the decision-making equal of the Queen of Hearts.

431 words

Siren’s Scroll

The Siren’s Scroll is a monthly lifestyle and entertainment magazine best known for its nude and semi-nude pin-up illustrations.

206 words


Arties are an ethnic group of artificial life forms who are largely isolationist and hostile towards the biological life forms who created them.

308 words

Draconic Saliva

Draconic Saliva is an incredible resource and is incredibly hard to come by, given that collecting it requires sneaking up on a sleeping dragon.

284 words

Aerial Reconnaissance Patrol

The Aerial Reconnaissance Patrol (ARP) is a three-person military unit in common usage throughout the armed forces of Eden.

216 words

Sacrificial Magic

The Law of Sacrificial Magic is a powerful force in Eden and throughout the Clarkwoods Literary Universe.

305 words

Dream-Dance Therapist

Dream-Dance Therapists are common throughout the land of Eden, using their facility with the spell known as “The Dance of Dreams” to treat mental health conditions throughout this purgatorial paradise.

234 words

The Darling Débâcle

The Darling Debacle was the final battle in the ongoing conflict between Peter Pan and the infamous Captain Hook.

832 words

The One About the Ducks and the Squirrels

“The One About the Ducks and the Squirrels” is an urban legend involving a notorious grimoire, a haunted college campus, a clan of evil ducks, and legion of heroic squirrels.

277 words


While still spoken in the Fakrana Valley on the elven homeworld, most of Belanor’s speakers are in fact members of the ichthyothrope mafia who dominate Neverland’s Mermaid’s Lagoon.

231 words

ECC Bingo

Have you ever wanted to pen your own short story in the style of the ever-loving E. Christopher Clark?! Well, now you can.

279 words

eccbooks Progress so far

28413 words 284.13% completed!

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E. Christopher Clark has been an indie publisher since age 14—first with the help of his father’s office photocopier and later with the aid of print-on-demand technology. His current project is a comic book series, The Blood of Seven Queens, a fairy tale mash-up which asks the question “what if Little Red Riding Hood grew up to be the Queen of Hearts?”


The author of The Stains of Time suburban fantasy series and of numerous short story collections, Clark is a graduate of Lesley University’s MFA in Creative Writing program. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and daughters.

Cover image by TextureLabs

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