kaixabu Progress Report


A Family Community

372 words


A Resident

292 words


A Resident

446 words

Yulianu Shaqaran

A Resident

169 words

Bataleinu Shaqaran

A Resident

148 words

Yardan Shaqaran

A Resident

153 words


A Resident/non-CCN

260 words


A Resident/non-CCN

83 words


A Resident/non-CCN

96 words


A Resident/non-CCN

74 words


A Resident/non-CCN

78 words


A Resident/non-CCN

88 words


A Resident/non-CCN

72 words

Yosef the Younger

A Resident/non-CCN

75 words

Agerico Dexandros

A Resident

201 words

Bilal Lahyan

A Resident

232 words

Boris Kultashev

A Resident

152 words

Erzi Chun

A Resident

140 words

Fiyero Kiwan

A Resident

226 words


A Resident

151 words


A Resident

135 words


A Resident

259 words


A Resident

184 words

Tadhg Sutharlán

A Resident

152 words

Thalippus Mavrikides

A Resident

178 words

Zaya Anu

A Resident

144 words


A Resident

452 words

Daoud Biyan

A Resident

122 words


A Resident

111 words

Mika’il Anjari

A Resident

147 words

Lofit Harid

A Resident

114 words


A Resident

252 words


A Resident

140 words

Kōhei Haraku

A Resident

131 words

Kouji Seiya

A Resident

119 words

Aodhán Ó hIcí

A Resident

171 words

Cairbre Buach

A Resident

167 words

Cianán Ó Monaghán

A Resident

152 words

Lannán Ó Duibhne

A Resident

143 words

Micah Eoghain

A Resident

127 words

Muiris Uisce

A Resident

140 words

Séamus an Iarthair

A Resident

140 words

Krisan Maok

A Resident

115 words

Andrés Lópiz

A Resident

128 words

Jarl Kross

A Resident

131 words

Ramu Sinti

A Resident

117 words


A Resident

127 words


A Resident

122 words


A Resident

121 words


A Resident

114 words


A Resident

170 words

Beniamino Lucano

A Resident

123 words

Daniele Zambrano

A Resident

123 words

Dion Caraci

A Resident

181 words

Giuseppe Bellucci

A Resident

117 words

Enawe Konyx

A Resident

123 words


A Resident

113 words

Niki Enka

A Resident

125 words


A Resident

113 words

Joromi Adaze

A Resident

119 words

Makan Akinwale

A Resident

118 words


A Resident

114 words


A Resident

125 words

Arán Tíogar

Medieval Gingerbread

524 words

Kael Kross

A Resident

230 words

Amsi Tekhen

A Resident

193 words

Anthonal Narmak

A Resident

234 words

Dyrek Ramvik

A Resident

183 words

Remel Tifarro

A Resident

182 words

Branoc Thistlen

A Resident

236 words

Marek Lissov

A Resident

198 words

Cauros Revetius

A Resident

263 words


A Resident

268 words

Iāson Bero

A Resident

245 words

Luvian Cetrus

A Resident

240 words


A Resident

247 words

Xochitl Coatl

A Resident

205 words

Jacopo Grigiutocarri

A Resident

233 words

Angelus Eudoros

A Resident

170 words


A Resident

325 words

Hoddmímis Holt

A Nordic Community

549 words


A Meso-american Community

394 words

Caldo de Col

Hearty Cabbage Soup

464 words

Osafke Takkvt

Mvskoke Corn Delight

549 words

Milseán Aráin na nGael"

Bread & Butter Pudding

667 words

Hrafnil Jarvikr

A Resident/non-CCN

299 words

Tappuach Meleah

Stuffed Apple

410 words

Amanthia Saruks

A Resident

151 words

Anteros Darun

A Resident

145 words

Artaxer Thanaeus

A Resident

163 words

Aurentu Karalis

A Resident

136 words

Batras Kargan

A Resident

127 words

Bjarnolf Kettirson

A Resident

146 words

Caorlan Fiad

A Resident

143 words

Cuauhtzin Mecatl

A Resident

124 words

Daranus Euthix

A Resident

122 words

Imani Tarhinna

A Resident

142 words

Ixmotoc Yalpak

A Resident

126 words

Máona Cridhe

A Resident

119 words

Sanuk Balen

A Resident

137 words

Signea Rúnar

A Resident

127 words

Sindar Keshtu

A Resident

131 words

Tamarah Shadut

A Resident

115 words

Targelene Viras

A Resident

109 words

Yeshu ben Yosef

A Resident/non-CCN

916 words

Ova Farcta

Medieval Stuffed Eggs

488 words


Dark Realm

1070 words


A Production

2910 words

Galvk’i Salili

Popcorn Harmony

573 words


Trojan War Archer

660 words

Iyashi Levarii

A Resident

120 words

Shaelen Arivith

A Resident

120 words

Tiraen Veluura

A Resident

120 words

Zhiik-Han Mevoon

A Resident

114 words


A Resident

256 words

Kalira Shonai

A Resident

124 words

Naumare Yathra

A Resident

118 words

Anraí Díshéir

A Resident

271 words

Aelwyn Ciarath

A Resident/non-CCN

138 words

Thesmera Anukhet

A Resident

125 words


A Resident

250 words

Berthram Wodenwald

A Resident

261 words

Frithgar Eadred

A Resident

266 words

Sigmarc Thornwulf

A Resident

252 words

Giulietta Capuleti

A Resident

280 words

Roméo Montecchi

A Resident

282 words

Emanthir Kallistar

A Resident

303 words


A Resident

291 words


A Resident

255 words


A Resident

239 words


A Resident

319 words


A Resident

272 words

Codinus Sprecus

A Resident

253 words


A Resident

256 words

kaixabu Progress so far

31500 words 315% completed!

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Welcome, I'm Morgan (yes it is a boys name too).. Nice to meet ya!   In my regular life, I am a CSI person, but not like on TV. This CSI is looking at people, process and Technology to make improvements for IT and their clients. It's cool, but not CBS cool. I tend to avoid people a LOT, so getting lost in world building and AI hits my comfort spot.   57+ Years Living » Demi-Achillean ⬩ Neurodivergent ⬩ Traveled ⬩ Dog dad ⬩ Cat Dad ⬩ Ex-Ferret Dad ⬩ Alternative Realities
Fur-Kids: Godric, Alcide, Oscar, Bruno Lives: USA Midwest Places Been: 250K flying miles logged so far

  Favorite quotes "I figure I am already going to hell for kissing you, I might as well take the scenic route."   'to pray' : 'to ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy' - Ambrose Bierce   Once you commit yourself to something, however bizarre it may seem to other people, you owe it to yourself to enjoy the experience.   The road we walk was built with the stones that scar our feet.   If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it than how bad of a decision can it really be?
Demi-Achillean: Demi-Achillean refers to a person who experiences attraction to men only after forming a strong emotional connection with them. The addition of the rainbow infinity symbol indicates that the individual is also on the Autism Spectrum (ASD).

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