Mirrond's WorldEmber 2018 - 81/ 0 prompts completed | World Anvil

Mirrond Progress Report

American Commune

792 words

Atomic Warhead

183 words

AVD Warhead

176 words

Basileia Rhomaion

One of most succesful historical reenactments in history. A Byzantine Empire recreated in space.

1670 words

Blinking Warhead

193 words

Confederate States of America

The only even remotely good guys in Pact of Steel.

1372 words

Corrosive Warhead

191 words


The great rebellion against the worst regime in history that went horribly right... and also the reason why there is so little intelligent life in Galaxy.

1273 words

WMD Types

400 words

Infinity Missile

254 words

The Silencer

227 words

Reality Merger

178 words

The Epilogue

225 words


171 words

Dyson Laser

224 words

Shoggoth Missile

246 words

Berserk Missile

241 words

End of Reason

243 words


340 words


360 words


420 words

Decoy Warhead

234 words

Explosive Warhead

151 words

Energy Warhead

229 words

Plasma Warhead

188 words

Fusion Warhead

147 words

Gravity Warhead

214 words

Magnetic Warhead

171 words

Graser Warhead

196 words

Kinetic Warhead

155 words

Tunelling Warhead

176 words

Void Warhead

181 words

Jamming Warhead

124 words

Nanite Warhead

166 words

Hacking Warhead

188 words

EMP Warhead

123 words

Laser-Net Warhead

134 words

Subspace Drive

464 words

Space Jargon

1374 words


First slaves of the Xylian Dominion. Now - free.

579 words

Steel Celestials

278 words

Love Celestials

215 words

Nature Celestials

257 words

Pure Celestials

306 words

Water Celestials

231 words

Order Celestials

278 words

On the nature of enemies

What sort of creatures inhabit the wilds?

2535 words


Natural philosophers... with tendency to go berserk when cornered.

441 words


Weird modification of humans made by Command AI.

398 words


One of the four basic schools of black magic.

1085 words


One of the four basic schools of black magic.

471 words

Knights Templar

A strong arm of the Imperial Temple.

766 words

Karadian Bestiary - Beasts

Lists of beasts inhabiting the lands of Imperium.

5754 words

Imperial Ministry of Magic

Imperial ministry dedicated to overseeing all magic-related business of Imperium.

327 words


An extremist of the White Pantheon. A Goddess of Order... and of Greater Good.

1428 words


Divine patron of craftsmen... but with preference to smiths and metallurgists.

1106 words


A Goddess of Fate and Magic... and one of the greatest mysteries of the Imperial Religion.

761 words

Eternal Guardian

A demigod of knowledge that shouldn't fall in wrong hands no matter what.

326 words


401 words

Mirrond Progress so far

72435 words 724.35% completed!

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