
In the world of Eonaris

Visit Eonaris

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Phase 1: Warm-Up - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Unleashed Talent


May 28, 2113 – Planet: Earth


Kai awoke in the early morning hours on a lumpy bed inside a small, abandoned house. The mattress was hard, but it offered him the same kind of sleep as the old bed in the orphanage that he had grown so used to. The cool night had long passed, and the house where he had sought refuge seemed to be a silent witness to days long gone. It was a simple structure, basic and functional—much like the many others in the suburbs of Neu Archadia. Here lived the people whose hard work enabled the glitz and grandeur of the modern city. But even in a world driven by progress, not everyone had equal access to this newfound prosperity.


Kai got up and stepped outside, making his way toward the city center. The war had changed everything. The world, once inhabited by billions, was now mostly uninhabitable. Only Neu Archadia stood tall like a beacon, a symbol of hope for humanity’s future. The city loomed before him, imposing and majestic, but his attention first focused on the suburbs that sprawled out before the gleaming skyscrapers.


As he approached the city limits, Kai’s gaze swept over the modest neighborhoods. There were no flying cars or futuristic technologies here. Yet life had taken root here after the war. People worked hard, lived in simple homes, and hoped that Neu Archadia would offer them what the old cities no longer could: safety and a new future. It wasn’t the glorious, shining world once promised, but it was better than the ruins they had left behind.


The streets of the suburbs were lively. People hurried to work, children played on small, well-kept patches of green. Despite the modest lifestyle, there was an air of unity and hope. A collective will to leave the past behind and build something new. Neu Archadia, named after Noah’s Ark, was the vessel on which humanity sailed through the floods of destruction, hoping to build a new civilization.


The decision not to rebuild the old cities but to create new ones was one made out of pure necessity. It would have taken too many resources and manpower, something the post-war world no longer had. The population had shrunk from 15 billion to four billion, leaving the old cities abandoned, their inhabitants lost or dead. And so, Neu Archadia was built—not as a monument to the past, but as a symbol of renewal. Yet, while the new cities rose, people like Kai, orphans of the past, often remained in the shadow of this glorious future.


As Kai reached the actual city boundary, the scenery changed drastically. Before him stood the modern buildings, their glass facades reflecting the sunlight, casting the city in an almost ethereal glow. The streets were clean and orderly, and the people moved with purpose and efficiency, as if progress permeated every corner of the city. The gap between life in the simple suburbs and the bustling heart of the city was more than just physical distance—it was a deep divide, manifesting in social and emotional differences.


Kai couldn’t help but feel both fascinated and weighed down. The architecture, the modern transport, the efficiency—it all spoke of a new era that humanity had aimed for after the war. But for someone like him, who had grown up in the shadows of this gleaming future, it was hard to imagine ever truly belonging here.


Yet deep within him, a fierce curiosity burned. Neu Archadia was more than just a symbol of reconstruction. It was a promise, a city meant to lead humanity into a new era—an era of peace and progress. At least, that’s what people hoped.


Kai knew that if he wanted to survive, he needed to find his place here. The streets, the towering buildings, the people—they were all part of a system he had yet to understand. But in this city, built on the ruins of terrible memories and losses, perhaps he could also find the chance to shape his own future. With one last glance at the radiant skyline of Neu Archadia, he continued on his way—hopeful, but also cautious.


Kai carefully crossed the threshold that separated the simple suburbs from the shimmering city center of Neu Archadia. It was as if he were stepping into a completely different world. The streets, which had been filled with simple vehicles and pedestrians in the suburbs, transformed here into a lively hub of technology and people. The Flutos, hovering just above the ground, glided like silent shadows through the bustling streets, seamlessly integrated into daily life as if they were part of the city itself. Kai watched in fascination as the vehicles floated smoothly and effortlessly over the asphalt, omnipresent in their steady motion. Despite the simplicity of his own hover scooter, it gave him a sense of security, providing him with the mobility he needed to navigate this impressive city.


The downtown area, filled with towering buildings whose glass facades reflected the light of the setting sun, seemed to touch the sky. Lively billboards, glowing in all the colors of the rainbow, caught Kai’s attention. Animations of interactive experiences, new technologies, and the latest Fluto models flickered across the screens, while drones played soft melodies, captivating passersby.


Kai’s gaze swept over the busy streets, teeming with life. He felt small and insignificant, as if he were just a tiny dot in an endless stream of people. Yet, he couldn’t escape the fascination the city held for him. The combination of modern architecture and technological marvels was impressive, though deep inside, an underlying sense of insecurity gnawed at him.


As he continued on his way, Kai noticed the diversity of people around him. Some wore futuristic clothing with glowing accents, while others sported simpler outfits that were nonetheless modern and functional. Children laughed as they played on small, manicured green spaces, where interactive playground equipment encouraged their imaginations. The atmosphere was vibrant and pulsating, a constant hum of conversations, music, and the soft sounds of the hovering Flutos.


Kai wrestled internally with a feeling of belonging. He wondered if he would ever truly find his place here or if he would always remain an outsider. The glittering facade of the city seemed to enchant him, but deep down, his uncertainty gnawed at him. He remembered the words he had heard back at the orphanage: "Neu Archadia is the future! You can achieve anything here!" That’s what the advertisements always said, but now, standing before the city’s grandeur, he felt overwhelmed and lost.


He turned into a side street, lined with a variety of shops and cafes. The air was filled with the scents of exotic foods and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Kai decided to pause for a moment and take in the scene. A large interactive screen on one of the cafes displayed a 3D model of the new HoloCom, equipped with enhanced security features. People lined up to try out the latest models while salespeople enthusiastically explained the benefits.


As he continued, Kai noticed a young girl curiously watching a Fluto. She had bright eyes and an open, friendly expression. Kai observed as she cautiously reached out to touch the hovering vehicle, as if she wanted to understand and master the technology. A smile flickered across his face—it reminded him of why he had come to Neu Archadia in the first place: the hope for a better future and the possibility of realizing his dreams.


Suddenly, a loud signal blared from one of the large screens, announcing a special event—a test day for aspiring Galaxy Racers, set to begin in just a few minutes. The crowd gathered around the screen, and the atmosphere became electric. Kai felt his heart race. He had been so distracted by the city that he had almost forgotten why he had come here in the first place.


He accelerated his hover scooter, feeling the light wind rushing past him, and followed the signs toward the event area. The sounds of the crowd grew louder, and the energy of the event gripped him. On the track, he saw the shiny vehicles of Reece Racing standing ready, and the participants mentally preparing for the upcoming test. The tension was palpable, and Kai felt his doubts slowly being replaced by a growing determination.


Deep down, he knew he had come here to be more than just an observer. The city challenged him to find his place and prove his abilities. As he entered the area, he glanced once more at the impressive skyline of Neu Archadia and felt a mix of fear and hope. He was ready to face the challenge that this gleaming metropolis offered – perhaps this would be the beginning of his new future.


With one last deep breath, Kai gathered his courage and prepared to take his first step into the world of the Galaxy Racers. The streets, the skyscrapers, the people – they were all now part of his new life, and he was determined to find his place in this sparkling city, no matter how great the challenge might be.


Kai stood at the entrance of Reece Racing, one of the most prestigious companies in the city, and couldn’t help but be impressed by the sheer size and elegance of the building. The glass facades reflected the afternoon sun’s light, bathing the grounds in a warm, golden glow. The tall, curved doors opened silently for the guests coming and going. Most of them were elegant people, dressed in sleek suits and dresses, unmistakably demonstrating their high positions in this bustling city.


On his way here, Kai had firmly resolved to appear confident. After all, this was his chance to fight for a place in the world of the Galaxy Racers. But the closer he got to the entrance, the louder the doubts in his head became. What if he wasn’t good enough? What if they just laughed at him? The gleaming glass facades suddenly seemed like mirrors reflecting his insecurities back at him.


He shook his head and straightened his shoulders. "You’re here because you have a chance," he reminded himself. "The orphanage is the past, Neu Archadia is your future." But even these thoughts couldn’t entirely dispel the rising nervousness. As he took his first step into the building, he felt tiny. The walls seemed to stretch up into the sky, and the people passing by barely noticed him.


Inside, everything was even more impressive. The wide, spotless halls, the perfectly staged advertising boards hovering in holographic displays above the visitors' heads – everything radiated an unattainable perfection. The people moved confidently and efficiently, as if they themselves were part of a grand, precise machine. Kai, on the other hand, felt out of place. He sensed the curious glances thrown his way now and then. Were they just figments of his imagination? Or did they really see that he didn’t belong here?


"Come on, focus," he muttered quietly to himself, trying to focus on the reason for his visit. But the elegant suits and the unapproachable atmosphere made it difficult for him to maintain his confidence.


He remembered the stories he had heard. Reece Racing was not just a company – it was a legend. For decades, their pilots had been at the top of the Galaxy Racing scene. And here he was, Kai Sterling, an orphan from the ruins, standing in the middle of this flawless world. The vision of his dream to become a Galaxy Racer flickered in his mind, but it now seemed like a distant, unreachable star.


A sudden wave of uncertainty washed over him. He had worked hard, trained himself, but now he wondered if all that was enough. Could he really make it here? Reece Racing was no place for mediocrity. Only the best mattered here – those who were willing to risk everything.


But deep inside him, the old flame of ambition burned. He knew he wouldn’t give up without a fight. This was his chance, his springboard into a better future. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the doubts aside, straightened his shoulders once again, and took the next step into the building.


Kai approached the reception desk at Reece Racing, his heart racing as he tried to suppress his nervousness. A young woman, impeccably dressed and with a professional smile on her lips, looked at him kindly but distantly. Behind her stretched a massive wall lined with screens, displaying impressive scenes of Galaxy races. Kai felt his excitement flare up again. This was the place where his dream would begin.


"Hello, I’m here to sign up for the scouting," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.


The woman continued to smile politely and tapped on her screen. "What’s your name?"


"Kai Sterling."


A moment of silence followed as she checked his details. Kai stood still, trying not to sweat too much, but his hands felt cold and clammy. Then the expression on the woman’s face changed slightly – it was barely noticeable, but Kai sensed it immediately. The polite smile faded into a cool look.


"I’m sorry, but I can’t find your name in our list. You’re not registered for today’s scouting."


The words hit Kai like a punch in the stomach. "That can’t be," he stammered. "I… I applied. I’m sure I’m in the database."


The woman glanced at him briefly, her gaze growing even more distant. "I’m sorry, but without registration, I can’t let you proceed. Our guidelines are very strict, and we can’t make exceptions."


Kai’s chest tightened. "But there must be a mistake! I may not have the usual training, but I’m good! I have more than enough talent to prove it."


The young woman looked up from her screen, her patience seemingly starting to wear thin. "I’m sorry, Mr. Sterling, but we have very high standards. You need verifiable participation in the junior classes or a recommendation from a recognized team. Without these qualifications…"


"That’s not fair!" Kai’s voice rose, even though he didn’t want it to. The words came out like an uncontrolled storm. "Just because I come from poor circumstances and don’t have connections doesn’t mean I have less talent than the others. Give me a chance, and I’ll show you that I’m just as good as the best racers you have here!"


The woman sighed softly and looked at him for a moment with an expression that conveyed both pity and indifference. "I understand that you’re passionate, but the rules are in place for a reason. There simply isn’t room for someone without the necessary qualifications. I’m sorry."


Kai felt a wave of anger rising inside him, hot and sharp. He had worked so hard, sacrificed so much, and now he stood here, being dismissed as if he were worthless. As if all his hard work and his dream meant nothing, simply because he hadn’t grown up in the privileged circles of the city.


“Is that all?” he asked, his voice now sharper, more desperate. “Is it really only about where you come from? What about talent? What about what you carry in your heart?”


The woman didn’t answer immediately. She tapped on her screen, as if she wanted to end the situation without engaging further. “There’s no room for discussion. If you want to qualify for future races, I advise you to start in the junior classes and get a recommendation. Without those qualifications, participation isn’t possible.”


Kai’s hands balled into fists, his fingers digging into his palms until it hurt. “This is ridiculous,” he muttered. “You only let people in because of where they’re from, not because of their talent.”


He turned abruptly and left before he completely lost control. The receptionist’s words echoed in his head—cold, dismissive, and leaving no room for hope. His heart pounded in his chest, anger burning like fire in his veins. Everything he had worked for, everything he had hoped for, seemed destroyed in that moment.


The streets of Neu Archadia, which had seemed so impressive to him before, now felt deceptive and unreachable. Kai’s eyes burned with suppressed tears. He had believed that talent alone would be enough to conquer this world, but now it was painfully clear that it wasn’t just about skill—it was about where you came from, who you knew, and how much money you had.


Frustrated, he kicked a trash can, which fell over with a loud clatter. “This isn’t fair!” he shouted into the void. But the gleaming buildings around him only responded silently, as if they were witnesses to a world where fairness had no place.


Kai felt his frustration overwhelming him. He had worked so hard, built himself up from nothing—and yet, all of it seemed meaningless here.


Kai stood in a narrow, shadowy passage behind the main building of Reece Racing, his heart pounding like a jackhammer in his chest. The rejection at the reception had hit him hard, but it had also ignited something inside him. He wouldn’t be stopped by a few words and rules—not when his dream was on the line. There was always a way, and Kai was determined to find it.


The racetrack lay before him, bathed in the faint glow of the security lights that illuminated the shiny tarmac. Occasionally, he could hear the soft hum of the Flutos and Galaxy Racers flying around the track for the scouting. The access to the participant area was tightly guarded, but Kai already had a plan.


“You built all this yourself, you know your way around technology,” he whispered to himself to calm his nerves. He hadn’t let the imposing security measures intimidate him. Instead, he had carefully observed the guards’ behavior and used his technical skills to spot weaknesses in the system. Reece Racing might be powerful and cutting-edge, but even the best security systems had gaps.


He waited for a moment when one of the guards finished his round, leaving the area briefly unguarded. Swiftly, he pulled a small, modified device from his pocket, something he had secretly put together years ago. It was a portable signal jammer, allowing him a few seconds of access to the electronic locks that had once secured the doors of the orphanage.


Kai took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly with excitement, as he held the device to the console and pressed a button. He silently prayed that it would work on this door as well. A soft hum filled the air, and after a few seconds, he heard the reassuring click of the door unlocking. A triumphant smile crossed his face. “Works like a dream,” he murmured as he quietly opened the heavy metal door and slipped inside.


Inside, the participant area spread out before him—a vast hall filled with shiny, futuristic racing machines, painted in shimmering colors and equipped with the most advanced technology. Kai paused, marveling at the sheer grandeur of these vehicles. They were more than just racing machines; they were masterpieces of engineering, built to navigate the interplanetary races through atmospheric challenges.


He narrowed his eyes and refocused on his goal. This wasn’t the time to be distracted by the spectacle. He had to find a racer and prepare before anyone noticed that he didn’t belong here. The guards patrolled the halls occasionally, but he had already observed their movements through the windows and knew when he needed to hide.


He darted between the racing machines, ducking behind crates and equipment, carefully watching his surroundings. His heart raced, the tension in his body rising with each step, but he didn’t let it deter him. This was his chance, and he was determined to take it.


In the distance, he heard the faint murmur of voices approaching. Without thinking, he crouched behind a large crate, his breathing shallow and quick. Two technicians were casually chatting as they walked past one of the racers. Kai listened intently as they talked about technical details and the upcoming races. Their footsteps gradually faded into the distance, and Kai dared to move again.


Finally, he spotted one of the Galaxy Racers standing unattended in the corner. His heartbeat quickened. This was his opportunity. He had read old plans and technical reports about these machines, studied every detail, and delved into their workings. He knew he couldn’t waste this chance.


“Today’s scouting has ended! Reece Racing thanks you for attending, and we look forward to introducing the new stars of our team in the coming days!” the loudspeaker announced. Kai had to hurry.


With nimble fingers, he opened a small panel on the side of the racer and pressed a button among many others. A soft beep confirmed that access was granted. The racer’s cockpit opened smoothly, revealing the control unit, which looked like a sleek, futuristic command center.


Kai hesitated for a moment. This was it—the moment he had worked so hard for. All his effort, his technical knowledge, his dreams, and sleepless nights had led him right here. But as he faced the cockpit, he also felt the weight of the decision. If he got caught now, it would all be over.


“You’ve come this far. Show them what you can do,” he whispered to himself as he climbed into the cockpit. The controls felt familiar, as if they had been waiting for him. His hands gripped the levers, and he felt the machine come to life under his touch.


Kai’s heart pounded in his chest. The displays on the dashboard lit up as the systems started, and the familiar hum of the engine filled the air. His fingers rested lightly on the controls, which felt like a natural extension of his hands. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the growing nervousness. He was here, right in the middle of the Reece Racing track, and the fact that he wasn’t officially allowed weighed like a dark cloud over him. But there was no turning back now.


Before him stretched the track—a winding course filled with obstacles and sharp turns. It was no match for the dangerous interplanetary tracks he had seen on holoscreens, but it would still be a challenge. Kai knew he didn’t have time to make any mistakes. This was his only chance to prove that he belonged here.


Slowly, he pushed the control stick forward, and the racer lifted off gently. The propulsion fields hummed as the vehicle hovered almost silently above the ground. He started moving, and Kai focused on getting a feel for the machine. Every grip, every movement mattered.


The first lap was his opportunity to study the course. The obstacles loomed like silent guardians over the track, sharp edges and treacherous turns requiring quick reflexes. Kai flew slowly, carefully. His eyes scanned the course as he memorized every turn and challenge. It was a calm ride, but he knew it was only preparation for the real race.


“What the...?” a voice boomed from the speakers. The sound waves bounced off the reinforced cockpit, and the words were muffled to Kai’s ears. The vibration of the voice resonated in his seat as he kept his eyes fixed on the track ahead. “Ladies and gentlemen, hold on! Another Galaxy Racer has just shot onto the track!”


The spectators, who had already started moving toward the exits, stopped abruptly. All eyes turned toward the massive holoscreens, which displayed Kai’s Galaxy Racer.


“I have no idea what’s going on here, but the day isn’t over yet, my friends!” The commentator’s voice was filled with excitement. “David, what do you think about this?”


“No clue, Jeffrey. But one thing’s for sure—surprises are part of racing. Let’s see what this mystery pilot can do!”


Kai analyzed the course with sharp focus: where he would need to brake, where he could risk speeding up, and which angles were best for mastering the tight curves. The only thing holding him back now was his own uncertainty. One mistake, and he’d be exposed, maybe even thrown out before he had the chance to prove himself.


As he finished the first lap and approached the start-finish line, he cautiously accelerated. The racer responded immediately, the pressure of the thrust pushing him slightly back into the seat. His pulse quickened, but at the same time, he felt the control he had over the machine. He was ready for his fast lap.


With a final deep breath, Kai pushed the control stick forward, and the racer shot over the starting line. The wind would have hit him, but the aerodynamic shape of the racer cut through the air, which flowed smoothly past the sleek surface. Kai sat securely in the cockpit, protected by a layer of advanced glass that shielded him from the speed and forces of the outside world, while the surroundings blurred in a flowing rush around him.


In that moment, only the course and the machine beneath him existed. All his doubts melted away as he took the first turn with precision, steering the machine exactly as he had planned. The ease with which the racer handled the obstacles filled him with an intense mix of excitement and euphoria.


The first tight turn came up, and he gently braked, letting the racer glide smoothly into the curve before accelerating again. The vehicle responded perfectly, just as he had hoped. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he raced through the next turn, narrowly missing an obstacle that loomed like an iron wall before him.


“You’ve got this,” he whispered as he shot through the next section. The track was demanding, and every mistake could cost him precious seconds, but so far, everything was going according to plan. Kai could feel the speed in his bones, the incredible power of the racer vibrating beneath his fingertips.


“This time is incredible!” The commentator’s enthusiasm was unbridled now.


“This could be a record time,” the second commentator confirmed more soberly.


With every turn, every obstacle, Kai’s confidence grew. He knew he was taking a risk by racing here, but now, in this moment, he felt invincible. The vehicle was one with him, obeying his every command, and the course, which had seemed so threatening at first, now lay before him like an open road.


But then, just before the final sharp turn, it happened. Kai lost his focus for a fraction of a second, too caught up in the thrill of the speed. As he turned into the curve, he felt the rear of the racer slide out. A jolt of shock went through him. The vehicle began to spin, and he fought to regain control.


“No, no, no!” he cursed, yanking the control stick with all his strength to stabilize the racer. The moment stretched out as the racer skidded across the asphalt and nearly crashed into the barrier. Kai’s heart skipped a beat, but he managed to catch himself just in time.


The vehicle shuddered, but he brought it back under control. The shock ran deep, and for a moment, he felt the cold hand of defeat on his neck. But then, driven by one last surge of adrenaline, he pushed the control stick forward again and raced toward the finish line. The vehicle accelerated with a deafening roar, but he already knew that this mistake had cost him precious seconds.


As he crossed the finish line, Kai took a deep breath and looked at the display showing his time. Ten seconds behind the best time. He had almost made it, but that one moment, that small slip in the last turn, had cost him the victory.


Still, Kai didn’t feel like a loser. Second best time. He had competed against experienced pilots and, albeit secretly, made it into the participant zone. His heart was still pounding, but a smile crept onto his lips. He had proven it—he could keep up.


The loudspeakers suddenly fell silent. A hush fell over the track as all eyes stared in disbelief at the scoreboard. Kai had been right—had it not been for that one mistake, he would have beaten the best time by at least 30 seconds. The crowd needed a moment to process what had just happened. Then, like a wave, the applause broke out. Cheers and excitement filled the air. “Incredible! Simply incredible!” the commentator shouted, his voice as full of amazement as the crowd’s.


But before Kai could dwell on his success, he suddenly heard the faint hum of Flutos and sirens in the distance. Kai’s stomach turned. The security!


Kai knew he had no time to waste. With one last glance at the cheering crowd, he deftly landed the racer at the edge of the track. The hum of the Flutos and the sirens grew louder—there was no way he could escape unnoticed. Taking a quick breath, he opened the cockpit and climbed out.


Barely had he touched solid ground when two security officers in black uniforms rushed toward him. “Hey, kid!” one of them shouted. Kai turned, but before he could react, one of the men grabbed him by the arm and shoved him roughly against the side of the racer.


“You’re coming with us,” the second officer said coldly as he cuffed Kai’s hands. Kai’s heart raced in his chest. The reality of his daring maneuver hit him. He had risked everything—and now he stood on the edge of it all falling apart.


His dream, which had felt so close, seemed to slip away again as they led him off. The cheering crowd faded behind him, and the sirens became his constant companion as the security personnel escorted him off the track.

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