Chapter Twenty Seven

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Yina and Stella made their way through the streets. Most cared not that two halflings were stalking through the populace. However Stella’s constant cursing and threats to the air had folks staring. Yina did her part of giving apologising nods where she thought her cleric friend was swinging her hammer and words too close for comfort to others sharing the path.

“We need him out!”

“He can’t be left down there!”

“Animals, everyone of ‘em!”

“I’m gonna kill that lad!”

More and more obscenities flowed out of Stella’s mouth. Torture, the lowest of the low, how could anyone?. The battles over the last months were bloody and violent, but that was fighting folk against fighting folk. An enemy in her homeland trying to kill was an easy ask to defend it.

The Shiorraidh Cadal walked beside her, the great bear, protecting those one called family. That was all who claimed the Toan Highlands as their home.  

Taking prisoners and torturing them was beyond comprehension. The Calvarains soldiers had not taken prisoners back in the Highlands. Stella was struggling as a child would with a jigsaw if a piece had been replaced with one from another puzzle. 

“Can you take a breath, you are going red and I won’t be carrying you if you pass out.” Yina put a hand on her shoulder and let the banter come through with her beaming smile. 

Cleric and Druid looked at one another. Both had anger growing, but both shared it differently.

“You cut deep yer old firebird.” Stella settled and checked their surroundings. She took several long deep breaths. 

“Who are you calling old?.” Yina retorted with a spin and exaggerated pout.

Good humour had been lacking recently and the two embraced it. A large scaled beast with six thick legs and wide torso had a harness strapped to it. The harness held a circle of cushions on each side of it for passengers to sit and a saddle behind its thickly horned head for the driver. 

“Silver to cross the bridge!” called a gecko looking creature the size of the halflings. They sat up on the saddle and were taking coins from Calvarians wanting the services. 

They looked at one another and passed the silver. The gecko made the beast kneel so folks could climb aboard. The cushions were surprisingly comfortable. They hardly noticed the sway of the beast as it began its trek over the bridge.

As the night passed and the starlight caught the many arcane colours of the island, Stella and Yina relaxed. There wasn’t much else they could do and it had been a minute. Yina looked at her decades-long friend and the scars she carried. The fighting with the Calvarians had been horrible. 

Bloodshed for nothing but selfish accomplishments. The druid shook her head and smiled from ear to ear as the sounds of snoring met her ears. Stella had laid back, adjusting her position to be comfortable in her half plate, she disappeared among the cushions. Long loud snores entertained some and offended others. 

Yina let it go on a beat, savouring the moment. Followed by a swift dig in the cleric's ribs. It was time to make a plan. The fate of Connor it seemed was dependent on the deceptions of Tarik and the friendship Karolus was trying to make sense of. She had seen it on the ship. At first it was hostile but the more time they spent together the closer they became.

It may very well be a ruse by Tarik to get Karolus close. But her gut told her otherwise. Knowing that she could do little for Connor she focused her thoughts on the wolf, Galwyn.

It was no easy task to take down a Douén. They were physically and magically very present in this world. There was a supernatural and etherealness to their existence. Elemental power wrapped in Fey forms. 

Yina had met Galwyn when he was an energetic pup. She couldn’t remember how long ago it was but it was a nice memory. She had been young herself. The Druidism of Toa and the Drydakka was closely tied to the Douén. Karolus would learn this in time.

If it was true the wolf had been captured then either he made a mistake or the Calvarian’s were far more skilled than she gave them credit for. The soldiers they had sent to Toa, did not bring with them an air of the elite. 

More the grunts of an army, almost fodder like. Yina was desperate to find out the truth behind the Douén’s incarceration. It wasn’t right.

Remembering their time beneath the strange frozen lake she felt the suppression of magic, arcane and divine. She also felt the link to the natural spirits cut when they stepped on the cavern floors. It was uncomfortable at first but she was used to being without her powers at times. 

It told her those kept there the Calvarians feared. They must be powerful folk within those places. Suppressed and held against their will. Were they terrifying killers that would run amok if set free? She doubted it. 

It also meant that Galwyn would be weakened without the elemental spirits near to him. The magic it was suppressing was impressive but in the darkest way.

By the time the beast of burden had crossed the bridges into the town isles made up of visitors it was morning. Stella had slept the whole trip, clearly enjoying the comfort of soft cushions and warm weather. Yina took every advantage of mocking her for it.

The druid had managed to get a few hours of sleep but that was all she ever needed. The stars had been her company, shining through the rainbow aurora. Constellations were taught as a young druid, but she had never remembered them well. 

“Leave me be, following you nippers around gets tiresome.” Stella retorted and yawned whilst stretching. 

“Nippers? I thought I was an old firebird?” Yina laughed as the pair headed to the nearest inn.

They agreed not to return to Tariks villa, they would miss the company of Lucretia, she was a good egg, according to Stella.

A few coins were spent and they had a room in the Scaled Tankard. Not a bad place. Lively, full of folks drinking and singing of draconic legends and future blessings. Very much a fan tavern of the great mythical beasts. 

It was familiar and therefore comfortable. Stella ate well and drank more. Doing what she does best, mingling. Yina had shifted into a squirrel and spent a while on her cleric friend's shoulder. Listening and watching. 

It was fascinating to see so many fall for the natural charisma of Stella. The battles had changed it, the way it manifested that is. Before it was a strong maternal type, warming folks making them sit and smile in her presence. But now it felt elevated. The patrons around her hung on her words, waiting for the punch lines and taking a long drink at every shoulder punch and clink of tankards.

Yina would never say it to her face but Stella was fast becoming the life and soul of the party. One that others found refuge in their company with the cleric. The bear had chosen wisely. Her hammer and shield would never yield whilst there were those that still needed protecting.

All the druid had to do was convince her that to protect Connor they needed a long game. Which started with saving Galwyn.

“This lot are generous lass, I’ve had offers of drink, food and the odd merc job.” Stella put the ale filled tankards down in front of Yina, froth spilling over the edge. 

“Mercenary work? Please tell me you turned it down.” Yina was trying to be humorous but saw a twinkle in the cleric's eye when she mentioned it.

“Don’t be daft, I ain’t taking up coins for blood. I just want to go home and get some baking done. I can’t remember the last time I made honey bread. Clan Fuine indeed.” it wasn’t so much sadness in her tone but more of an acknowledgement of a time that was slipping further away.

“Soon dear Stella soon.” Yina offered a kind smile and Stella returned.

“So what now? Things are crap around here, at least for us and the boys.” 

Yina scratched her chin and looked quizzical.

“I think we need to get arrested.” she offered.

“I’ve been drinking some today's lass, you want to run that by me again.”

“Galwyn, we need to get in so we can get him out.”

“Yina, that place aint a locked cellar to give folks a time out. The magic down there was dark. I felt the bear being pushed away from me.”

“I know, I felt it too. But we are capable without our magics, and Galwyn needs us more than Connor right now.'' She held Stellas hand, a bad taste formed in her mouth as she prioritised one life over another. 

“We can’t just leave the boy. Karolus is coming along but he aint a chance of doing it solo. Tarik is leading him down a path I don’t like.”

“I know. But we can’t leave Galwyn either. We need to trust in Karolus for now, and with Galwyn on the outside saving Connor will be far easier.”

Stella took the point in. The Douén were not known for their city adventuring. In fact the cleric found it hard to think of a story that involved them being away from Toa.

“Can you reach out to them?” Stellas thinking leaning into the druidic connections. 

“I have been thinking about it, but not sure how.” Yina contemplating the options when.

“Give me a second, I have an idea.” The druid moved to a window and looked to the sky. Several wyvern could be seen, some riderless and others bearing cargo. 

It took a minute but she found what she was looking for and called the Starling to her. It sat gently on her outreached hand and let out a gentle tweet. Yina made a cooing noise and spoke words of druidic. A glaze came over the Starlings eyes as her spell took hold. A second later it took to the skies. 

“What was that all about?” Stella asked.

“As you suggested, reaching out. I hope.”

It had been nearly a day and a half and the halflings had not seen or heard anything from Karolus. Yina had spent the most of it looking agitated, constantly at the window of their cheap room. Waiting for the Starling to return.

She wasn’t able to send a magical message directly but she was able to request it from the bird with a little motivation from her druidism. Stella made jokes and checked her half plate, hammer, and shield routinely confirming they were in good shape. 

“Life Solstice be on us soon. Yer gonna be alright?” Stella performed several stretches 

Yina paused her pacing. She had forgotten all about the solstice. Which was funny as she was about to do a whole lot of remembering. 

“I should be. It will be the first Recalling outside of home. But the Iodhadh will do what it needs to.” she smiled. 

“Do yer need me to do anything?” Stella knew it happened but had never been part of it, nor had Yina ever explained anything about it really. 

“Actually could you fetch me some holly, I need to stay here in case the bird returns.” 

Stella tilted her head.


“Why do you always turn my answer to your question into another question.” Yina stated with another grin.

Stella caught herself and laughed loudly. 

“This is the worst holiday ever. I’ll get yer the holly.”

Yina raised an eyebrow.


Another eyebrow raised.

“I’ll get on it.” Stella said, pulling her half plate on.

The cleric grabbed her hammer and shield, nodded and left the room. The bar was decently busy with folk enjoying a midday drink. The old rotund lizardfolk barkeep, Rilus, waved and gestured for a drink to be readied. 

Stella thought about it but put her hand up signalling no and headed out into the streets. It still fascinated her that the sun rays were multi coloured. The afternoon was warm but somehow just right. 

The looks she got were many as she walked the smooth paths among the stores and many small markets made her grin broadly at those staring. 

No more than an hour had passed and she had acquired the holly. Stella had bought all there was in the apothecary. Likely far more than Yina needed but she wasn’t risking it. 

On her way back her eye was caught by en elderly Samos. In their youth it was likely their scales were vibrant violet, now they were pale with age. Tiny wyvern’s were fluttering about them. A pet stall of sorts. 

Stella spotted the one that was limping about, somehow not able to spread its wings properly. 

“It alright?” she asked the elder, nodding to the struggling creature.

Milky eyes met the halflings.

“I am not so sure. I have been treating him for a month now.”

“This lot born in litters? Lil one looks like the runt.”

The owner laughed and gave the struggler a small tickle on the head. It seemed to like it. 



“We call them a clutch not a litter.” a warm grin spread across their face.

“Right. So not sick, just smaller?”

“As I say, the treatments haven’t worked. So maybe you are right and the little one is not sick at all.” there was now a quizzical look on their face.

“Give’em ere.” Stella reached out and gently took hold of the young creature.

It immediately flapped its wings out of sync in a vain attempt to avoid being held. But after some shushing noises and the comfortable grip Stella had applied it settled. Small wings folding in and what could only be described as a growling purr.

“It would seem you have a new friend.”

“Just need a hug don’t yer.” Stella began to giggle as the wyvern tried clumsily to climb her.

The small draconic creature was heavy, sharp clawed and a wicked looking barbed tail. Amber scales covered its body and head, with a single deep red one on the forehead. 

“Do yer sell’em?” the cleric asked.

“That is what I do, yes.”

“How much for the nipper?” 

Yina didn’t need the holly but did need a moment to herself. She was missing the Toan forests and druid glades. The magic of this island city was dampening her connection to her own magic. She was uncomfortable all the time and the reason they were here was not helping matters. 

Knowing the Recalling was going to happen soon had her on edge as well, not being in Toa might make it difficult, or it might go wrong. She was hoping the Starling reached the Douén, and fast.

Her head had been hurting since the early hours of the morning which was normally a sign that it was close. 

As she took a drink of water and closed her eyes the door opened and a guttural screech met her ears. 

“Is this enough?” Stella dumped the large pouch of holly on Yinas cot bed.

“Yes plenty, might I ask who this is?” the druid held her hand out for the wyvern babe to sniff at and nibble.

“Oh right, Yina meet Walnut.”


“Hey, now you’re doing it.” Stella smiled as the pair fussed over their new friend.

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