Chapter Five

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Kneeling there, his brother lying limp, his home ablaze, Karolus couldn’t hear properly, the world seemed suppressed. Sound was dulled and thumped in his mind as the fight nearby went back and forth. He was unaware of the voice calling his name over and over again.

“Karolus! Get up! Get up you lazy bastard!” Glen skidded to his side. They were soaked and had several small wounds across their bare arms and legs.

He stared at Glen with empty eyes.

“I tried to get him out, I tried Ma, I really did.” Karolus was talking to the air. Shock had sunk in deep on the highlander.

Glen shoved him aside grabbing Connor, putting their ear to the boy's chest. Immediately they pulled a small glass vial from a pouch at their hip, the pink liquid came to life with light as Glen popped the cork free.

They held Connor up and at an angle, tipping the liquid into his mouth, and rubbing his chest. 

“Com’on nipper, this is the good stuff. You haven’t left us yet. Connor, Connor, hear me, wake up.” Glen’s words were soft but confident, they repeated the call several times until Connors eyes moved beneath the lids.

“Good boy, it’s not a lot but I’ll take it”.

“Karolus! Connor needs you! Snap out of it!” Glen kicked out a boot sending Karolus sprawling in the wet mud.

Sound came rushing back to him, the rain, fire, steel, tooth and claw, all assailing his senses. His head spun a moment and then the spitting out of mud followed.

Turning to see Glen holding Connor like a babe and the tiny smirk on Glen's face.

“Glen?” Karolus was fighting the confusion then scrambled towards them and Connor.

Karolus went to explain but Glen cut him short. 

“He’s fine, at least will be if we can get him out of here.” seeing the confusion on his face they repeated themselves.

“I thought..” 

“You thought wrong, now carry him and i'll keep the way clear.”

“Fight?” Karolus stood and scooped his younger brother up and cradled him the best he could. He felt exhaustion trying to claw its way in. But he needed to ignore it until he and Connor were safe.

“I’ll explain later, follow me and stay close. Your only concern is getting you and the little one to safety. Understand?”

Karolus looked across at Galwyn who was back and forth with the two Calvarian warriors. All three were bleeding heavily.

“What about Galwyn?”

“He’ll be fine, the spirits will watch over him, now move.” Glen gestured and headed south east through the burning settlement. 

Karolus looked back at Galwyn whose tattoos were dimming. The wolf spun and snaked out a large clawed hand that gripped the throat of one of his enemies. 

The claws dug deep and with a violent twist and pull, the throat of the warrior was torn from it. Dark blood poured from the fatal wound. 

Scaled hands clutched at the jagged hole before falling forwards, lips slowly curling in an attempt to make sound as they died slowly.

The remaining opponent of the Douén had taken the opportunity to take a deep breath before exhaling with elemental power. A colourless flame burst from its mouth and engulfed Galwyn. Howls of pain pitched into the air as flesh and fur were torn away by the attack.

Karolus held his steps, desperately wanting to go to Galwyn and aid. Glen was thirty feet from him gesturing frantically. The highlander followed and said a prayer to the Drydakka for both the wolf and his brother.

The friends moved along the paths through the southern parts of the settlement, flames reaching for the sky behind them. The further they moved the less heat there was. Karolus could hear his own heart pounding in his chest. His arms were burning from carrying Connor. Still he trudged forwards trying to concentrate on taking the next step and keeping Glen in line of sight.

Every few moments Glen would stop them to hold against a wall whilst they listened and spotted a head. Seemingly happy they would signal for Karolus to follow. 

Folk had stopped trying to put the flames out now. All around them was a scene that would scar his heart. More of the Calvarian's were in the village. Killing. Swords slashed and colourless fire roared from the invaders. 

Screams wrought the air, as folks ran from buildings, their flesh on fire. Deep growling laughs followed them before they were cut down. 

All wore the uniform of dark blue and the multi-coloured gemstone symbolism. Karolus could see some were being rounded up and made to stand and watch as their family and friends' lives were ended.

Glen had noticed he had stopped and this time stepped close. Putting a hand on Karolus' shoulder and squeezing.

“Come, we have to leave.” their voice softer than before.

The edge of the settlement wasn't far from them now, rain came down hard and made the ground underfoot soft and muddy. Karolus was lost for what to do, concentrating on holding his brother. Every other heartbeat Connor made a slight groan and it spurred Karolus on.

Glen stopped, holding their thick bladed sword ready, they had heard something ahead. Holding their hand up Karolus leant against the barn building they were adjacent to. Using the structure to give him respite on his carried load. The animals on the inside were nervous and making a fair amount of noise, enough to mask his and Glen's presence. 

One hand in the air to hold Karolus back, Glen peaked at the edge of the barn. Ahead on the path marching further into the settlement were more of the Samos in similar lorica armour to that of those in the village.

“Shit.” Glen leant back from sight taking a breath, thoughts rushing through their mind.

“What is it?” Karolus whispered as he rested Connor against the barn, the instant relief on his muscles was euphoric. 

Glen gestured and Karolus looked. The creatures were marching in formation, three abreast on the paths. They moved with a discipline well practised. A uniform of iron lorica, three foot shields and short swords. The Samos were the physicality of Calvaria and they certainly owned that description.

“Who?” the question hung with a confused and fearful look on Karolus face.

“They are of Calvaria. Mostly Samos but I would expect a few Tharros with them, especially whomever is leading them.” Glen peaked again.

“I guessed they were Calvarian, but why here? Why Grey Rock?” Karolus truly could not comprehend the words leaving his mouth.

Glen looked at the ground and sighed.

“Grab Connor, we need to move on.”

Karolus picked his brother up, again cradling him like a very large baby.

“You are going to be a huge little brother.” he whispered.

It took the better part of an hour to reach the valley south of the settlement, to be away from it all. No longer within the borders of the village. They hiked until they were out of its line of sight. 

The glow of flame in the distance. The night sky was a backdrop to a thick dark stain of shadow that was the rising smoke.

Karolus needed a rest. Carrying Connor had pulled and strained his muscles for so long and far,  it had been more potent than training with the Douén. 

They had no supplies, no blankets or winter rolls. Adrenalin had worn off and left Karolus feeling tired. The night rain was soaking through to the skin, the cold felt amplified.

Connor would need warmth and dry clothing to even have a chance. Glen had assured Karolus the healing elixir had stopped his departure from this world. However it was not a potent mix and the circumstances they were in now would not help his recovery.

“What is going on Glen?” Karolus took his shirt off and rang it as best he could to only put it back on again.

“I have no idea, but we need to find the Douén. They were close by yesterday. I don’t know how the Calvarian’s got by them.” Glen mimicked Karolus actions with their own shirt before adjusting their thin leather armour.

“Galwyn..” he started.

“Will be fine.” The words were abrupt and a badly disguised hope.

A silent moment passed between the two.

“Karolus.” a small groan of noise came from Connor.

He dropped to the boys side. Raising him up against his own torso.

“I’m here Connor, I’m here.” 

“I don’t feel too good. I think I wet the bed.” Connor murmured, he weakly lent into his older brother.

“It’s fine Connor, I think I have too.” Karolus rubbed his brother's upper arms and rocked gently back and forth as Connor fell back into unconsciousness.

“Glen I..” his voice broke.

“Pick him up, we need to move.” Glen was looking back towards the settlement. When they turned their eyes were silver white orbs of dim light.

“There are Samos scouts out and about.” 

Karolus stared at Glen.

“How do we outrun Calvarian warriors? He closed his eyes tightly. Rocking back and forth. He had never felt fear like this before.

Glen’s eyes returned to their normal colour. A coldness on their face.

“Then take his life.”


“Take your brother's life, in fact take your own and I'll carry Connor.” Glen spat the words towards him.

Karolus rushed to his feet with clenched teeth, a growl of anger in his throat. 

Glen stepped into him, their chest pressed into his. The pair butted heads, pushing against one another.

Glen growled back.

Karolus pushed Glen hard away from him with no defence from them. Glen stepped in and pushed him back. Glen was stronger and Karolus had to make sure he didn’t lose his footing.

“Don’t ever say those words to me again!” Karolus spat angrily.

“Then stop crying and pick up your brother. He's the one dying, not you.” Glen stood ready for whatever reaction came next.

“They don’t care that you are scared or that Connor is a child. We move or we die, it is that simple.” Glen stared at him, into his very soul.

Karolus was ready to retort but the words hit deep. No truth had ever cut him so. It was worse than a mothers scorn. It was from a friend he held dear, next was the guilt of how he was reacting. 

His little brother was ten feet from him lying in the cold and rain, on death's doorstep. Here he was moaning about being tired and scared. His head dropped for a second before he looked up into Glen's eyes and nodded.

Glen stepped in and hugged him tightly.

“Now, pick up Connor, we need to move.” this time their words were soft and caring and followed  by a kiss on his cheek.

With a renewed vigour from Glen's pep talk he took a deep breath and held his brother close.

Moving again deeper down into the valley it was clear that Glen was heading to the forest to the south. No one lived there unlike most of the other forests in Toa which meant no help. But it would be easier to lose the scouts Glen had spotted.

As they moved Glen would look back every so often, the same white silver glow in their eyes. Checking into the night of anyone following. They hadn’t spoken much. Karolus left Glen to do their thing and whilst he concentrated on carrying Connor and moving wherever Glen said to.

Only once had Glen made them stop to hide. They had said the Calvarian scouts were close and so they hid among the hillside flora of thick soaking heather plants holding their breath.

The scouts were not as iron clad as the soldiers they had seen back in the settlement. They wore light armour and carried short curved bows. 

They had thickly muscled lizard creatures on all fours with them. On leather leads they forked their tongues out searching for a sensation in the air that may aid them in hunting down folk they may or may not know about.

Karolus compared them to tracking hounds except these creatures had scales and claws with leathery frills around their neck line.

Hiding in the heather had worked and when Glen decided it was safe enough they got up and continued south. 

Ever changing gradient as the land rolled around them was the hardest obstacle Karolus had to deal with whilst carrying Karolus. The thought had crossed his mind about swapping with Glen and doing the scouting whilst they would carry Connor, but he knew if it came to it Glen would be the one that gave them the best chance of surviving a fight. 

That was something that repeated in his mind, Glen had used more magic in the last couple of days than anytime he could remember combined. Making themselves large, the glowing silver white eyes and the healing elixir. 

Turns out he didn't know his childhood friend as well as he thought. The Douén had more to teach than he first thought it seemed. Assuming they survived whatever it was that was happening right now he would ask them to teach him also. 

The ritual before returning home flicked through his memories. They had told him it had gone well. How he needed to know what they meant right now.

The ground changed slightly in its makeup. The heather was less and short green shrubs were more often now as they reached the edge of the forest. 

Most had names but Karolus couldn’t remember this one or at least his brain felt too tired to remember. 

Ash, pine and oak trees spread out before them. Miles of it, which was the norm for the Toan Highlands, the forests of the country were either large or larger.

Under the thick branches now, the rain slowed. Typical thought Karolus. Glen led them a good hour into the forest seemingly looking for something. What he didn’t know at the time but it soon became apparent they were looking to make camp.

“We will have to risk it and get a fire going.” Glen quickly began gathering sticks.

Karolus looked at Connor in his arms and didn’t disagree but held at the forefront of his mind the danger it may bring. Finding the roots of an oak he was able to lay Connor within its embrace. Any other moment seeing his sibling relaxing among the roots would have made him smile. 

Despite the weather the pair managed to get a fire going of which Karolus was convinced Glen had used more magic. Nevertheless they were more than happy for the immediate warmth. The fire was not far from where Connor lay. 

Karolus went through the process of ringing out as much water as possible from his and Connors' clothing. Glen helped in silence before producing several berries, a pale purple in colour with pink veins. 

“Eat these, they will help with the fatigue, also mush one up and try feeding it to Connor.” Glen poked at the fire to give it a bit more life. 

Without a shred of doubt, Karolus ate the berry and as Glen had said it instantly made him feel revived or at least well rested. Thankfully Connor subconsciously reacted to the taste of the mushed up berry on his lips and slowly, like a sleeping babe, ate the presented fruit paste. 

His shivering stopped and his lips returned to their normal colour. 

With the fire going and the lack of rain they took the opportunity to dry their clothes. The linen items dried fairly quickly. Their boots however would take alot longer. 

Even though the fire was warm it wasn’t a bonfire and they were still in the highlands and middle of the night. The temperature was low and so they sat side by side whilst the fire did its job on their clothes.

Seeing Glen naked was new to him, but so were the scars, there were many across their back. As if the same object had hit them multiple times. Karolus' expression told Glen he was staring.

“They are from lashes.” 


“A whip, well a whip would have been preferred.” Glen rubbed their arms.

Karolus shifted awkwardly. 

“I never knew, how? When?” he asked softly.

“Why would you, unless you are peeping when I bathe?” Glen then laughed as the colour of beetroot covered Karolus face.

“I never…would never…” Karolus felt himself failing to defend the accusation as he stammered his words.

“You are so easy.” The smile was genuine as was the dig to Karolus arm.

He paused at the statement and his open smile came.

“You can go right off some folk you know.” he adjusted his sitting position and caught himself on a rather protruding stick.

With a yelp at the tender prod he half jumped into Glen who in turn had to put an arm out to steady themselves. The scene would have been very comical to any passerby. The pair shared a silly laugh at the moment.

“What is happening Glen?” Karolus flipped his shirt to dry the other side and looked north, back the way they had come.

“Honestly, I don’t know. Calvaria is hundreds of miles away, across the sea. Why they are marching on a small settlement here in Toa is beyond me.” Glen did the same with their shirt.

“It was like watching a nightmare unfold. Filled with monsters.”

“Aye, a nightmare.” Glen poked the flames again.

“You think the spirits are ok?” Karolus thought of how abundant the Douén camp was with them.

“How do you think your arms haven’t fallen off yet carrying that lump about.” Glen gestured at Connor and the small earthen humanoids sitting by him.

Karolus looked at his arms, and despite them being far thicker than when he first met the Douén, was wondering when he wouldn’t be able to carry Connor anymore.


“They like you, especially the earthen lot. You are honoured, as is Connor. They will do what they can to help.”

Karolus nodded both at the spirits and Glen with a thankful smile.

“Connor looks better since that berry.”

“The berry will give him a boost, but he still needs someone skilled in stronger healing. Which I am not.”

“Are we planning on sleeping here?”

“Maybe not sleep, but we will stay, rest and dry as much as we can before moving on.”

Karolus nodded and stared at the flames. Every now and then his eyes would go to the scars on Glen's back.

“I will tell you, but not tonight.” Glen said before going to walk a short patrol of their tiny camp.

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