Chapter Sixteen

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Stella had shown her dislike of Caedmon and his casual approach to what was going on. She had angrily muttered about his selfishness and lack of care. Karolus had thought it a harsh judgement as they had only just met the Neroliath.

Stella had stormed out into the streets of Horndean. Yina had ignored everyone and wandered the home of Caedmon. Karolus had never seen such a building before, it was his first time at a port town. 

The sea giant's house was filled with all manner of merchantly goods. Caedmon was an acquirer of items, and the house acted as a place for living and storage it seemed. 

Yina eventually left the house and joined the noise of a busy port town night. Karolus and Caedmon sat in comfy armchairs facing the fire. 

“Thank you.” Karolus broke the silence. 

“Don’t give thanks until you have the goods promised.” Caedmon advised.

Karolus nodded. 

“Forgive me but your eyes hold youth but, well, this tells me you live in a cave.” gesturing at the mess of hair and beard.

“Even the sailors around here are better kept.” Caedmon laughed loudly.

“I keep hearing this.” Karolus let out a short laugh. The sea giant's energy was infectious.

“I would suggest visiting a barber here in town but seeing as you have no coin I offer my services. Wait here.” Caedmon stood and disappeared somewhere in the house muttering to himself about an item he couldn’t find.

Karolus sat patiently. Early he had looked out the window and there were buildings made of wood and strong rooftops, staggered down the cliffside towards the pier. 

The buildings wound down into the more entertaining areas of the town. Music could be heard, drinking, singing and other merriment rang out loudly. Dock workers taking the night shift singing songs to help the workload whilst the day shift sang songs of debauchery and dreams of riches as they hit the taverns.

It made living the quiet life of a shepherd or farmer deeper into the Highlands seem peacefully boring. 

He had never been on a ship nor by the sea. It was too dark to truly see it but come the morning he couldn’t help feeling a growing nervousness in his gut.. 

“Here we go.” Caedmon returned noisily with a bowl of hot water, several cloths and a sharp looking cut throat blade with an ivory handle. 

He passed Karolus a cloth and threw a towel over his own shoulder. Then from the tray the bowl of water sat upon the Neroliath produced a small mug full of a white foam and a thick hand held brush.

“Now let us see what lay beneath this mess.” 

At first it was uncomfortable. His mother had cut his hair when he was young but since then he had mostly groomed himself. 

Caedmon took a brush and ran it through Karolus hair, it was a short lived task due to the amount of knots. With a tut and sigh he tied as much of it back from the highlanders face as he could.

Hot water was rubbed into the hair and face for a minute or two. Taking the cut throat Caedmon went about the expert craft of a barber. The sea giant had a finesse with the blade that impressed. Delicately he cut away at the beard, applying more foam as needed. After a time the clean shaven face of Karolus showed. 

“Skin is dry and a little sore in places but I have some oils for that. Sea air will help as well.” his hand was nearly the size of Karolus' face, he examined the jaw line and his work.

“Now let’s sort the hair out.” Caedmon went back into the house to return, opening and closing a set of shearing scissors. 

He pushed Karolus' head back and forth, tilting it left and right. 

“There we go, and my aren’t we handsome.” he stepped back to admire his art.

Karolus stood up and felt his face and the back of his head. The hair had been cut short and lay just beneath his ears. His face is smooth, or at least smooth enough. 


Karolus accepted the large hand mirror and stared at himself. He didn’t recognise himself to start with. Slowly turning his head and the mirror he saw his true self. He also saw Connor in his features. A tear rolled down his cheek. 

Caedmon stepped in and caught the tear. 

“You are filled with sadness, Karolus.” Caedmon took the mirror from him.

“I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t.” his head dropped.

Caedmon put a finger under his chin and raised it so their eyes met. There was a moment of held breath before he kissed Karolus. The Neroliath made a hand gesture and the fire died leaving the room in darkness. 

Stella had stomped her feet and made it down to the docks. She was more at home among those drinking and singing. Horndean as far as towns in the Toan Highlands went was large, one of the main through points into the hills. The halfling cleric at first had drank in anger, but the more it went down the merrier she got. 

The giant was not wrong for wanting something out of the trip. Sailing was expensive; she had mulled over what they could offer since she had picked up Karolus. If anything, only asking a favour was as good an offer as she could hope for. 

Stella laughed at a joke made about merfolk and sailors and headed to a corner to drink alone. As soon as she had turned away the laugh and smile faded from her. 

Sitting with her back to the wall she looked out. The sounds of the tavern seeming like a dream floating away. She was old enough to know tears wouldn’t solve anything but by the Oak she wanted to let out a river of them.

The last few months had been busy, constant fighting, so much so that escorting Karolus was a blessing. Calvarians still roamed the highlands and battles were still common. 

Her fingertips traced the scars on her scalp and face. Painful memories filled her mind. The fight had been long and violent. 

“There will be time for that.” she said quietly to herself.

She closed her eyes. 

Footsteps approached. Soft booted. Stella put her hand on her hammer but kept her eyes closed.

“I aint looking for company tiptoes.” The words would have turned around a lesser person.

The footsteps stopped but did not start again neither coming closer nor moving further away.

“Forgive me. I did not mean to interrupt your rest.'' The voice was deep, smooth and filled with confidence.

“Yer clearly did lad, otherwise you wouldn't be talking.” Stella now opened her eyes, curiosity fully engaged.

“I hail from Nabbat in the South.”

“I didn’t ask.” Stella stated. 

The young man stood well postured but relaxed. No weapon it seemed. His clothing fit loose, simple colours of browns and greys. There was a ceremonial look to them. There was also confidence in him. Stella could see it as clear as day.

Jet black hair tied in a braided ponytail hung between his shoulder blades and a couple day old stubble spreads across his jaw line. But the thing that Stella focused on was the ruby red of his eyes. 

“Long way from home lad. What’s yer name?” She put the hammer on the table in front of her. Watching his reaction. 

“Tarik of the House Rook of Calvaria.” he bowed again.

“Stella of Clan Fuine. What's with the eyes?” she nodded and was adjusting herself ready for conflict.

“We both carry scars Stella of Clan Fuine.” he left it at that.

The young man before her was not a native of Calvaria that was obvious. He had said he was from Nabbat. He was definitely not a lizard in disguise. She gritted her teeth.

“Why am I not crushing you with my hammer?” she put her hand on the handle and gripped it, again he didn't flinch. 

“I am here on behalf of Galwyn of the Douén and my mentor Garen, Breath of the Rook.”

“Wait, what?” she now stood holding the hammer out towards him.

“I am not here to cause trouble.” Tarik shifted his feet and was now standing side on. 

“Then I'd start speaking lad.” Stella was lost so thought it best to command it out of him.

“They asked me to seek out the boy Karolus. I was led to believe you travelled together.”

“Boy? he's about your age lad.”

“So you do travel with him?” Tarik for the first time in the conversation changed his polite look to a smug one.

“He’s been through enough, if yer here to cause him more then I won’t be having it. Yer can tell that dog friend of yours to come see him for himself.” The hammer was poised.

“I will convey your request at our next meeting. But that won’t be for a while. I am to accompany Karolus to Calvaria.” Tarik now took a seat and sat comfortably. 

For the sheer gall of the lad Stella wanted to hit him. She couldn’t work out if it was the arrogance of youth or whoever had sent him was stupid.

“And if I say no?” The halfling was ready to stand her ground.

“Then you say no.” Tarik crossed his legs.

“But that won’t stop you will it?”


“Well I ain’t for bleeding folk that haven’t earned it but I don’t mind throwing a promise or two. So listen in, if yer even blink at that lad with a threat, i’ll be ripping your soul out yer ass. Understood.'' She leant close to Tarik making sure he saw the promise in her eyes.

The ruby red shimmered. 

“Understood Lady Stella.” he smiled.

Stella shook her head, finished her drink and walked away from Tarik, he who hailed from Nabbat. 

Out in the streets she took a long time before heading back towards the house. She could spot an amateur following her but this Tarik didn’t come across as such. At no point during their meeting had he been remotely on edge. She felt he was in control of the situation and it irked her. 

A few late nighters shouted invites to Stella for a multitude of things, none of which sounded enticing, except maybe the knuckle dice. 

Still adorned in her half plate armour, shield, hammer and tartan she looked the part. Heavily scarred and feeling her age. She heckled back with gusto. Deep down Tarik worried her.

She heard a cry of distress from a stack of crates waiting to be put in the cargo hold of one of the many ships docked. 

Running over she saw Yina curled up crying. With an experienced eye she saw the druid was not wounded at least not physically. 

“Yina!” she kneeled beside her.

Yina looked up, eyes filled with tears. She clawed at Stella’s armour pulling herself into an iron cold embrace. 

“So much blood. They killed Roland then Aden. I couldn’t save them.” she stared at the cobbled and muddy floor. 

Stella knew what was happening and had been in this situation before. Yina was getting her memories back. More heartbreak would follow, for both of them. 

“Connor, they are after Connor, we need to stop them. Oh no Stella not you, don’t die. I can bite them, claw them. The roots will tear at them if I ask.” Yina flailed her arms about.

“Aye they will Yina they will. But not yet. Listen to my voice, I'm here with yer. There's no blood.” Stella stroked her hair holding her tightly. Holding back her own tears.

Yina coughed and sputtered as she remembered the claws followed by the steel blade sliding into her, she howled like a wounded wolf to the night.

“I don’t want to die! Stella, please, please!” she cried.

Stella rocked her now, making shushing noises.

“I’ve got yer girl. Listen to my voice. We’re safe. Breathe through it lass.” she repeated the same pattern of words hoping to calm her. 

Several folks approached who had been working the docks.

“She alright?”

“Will yer shut her up!”

“Can we help?”

“Get her to bed drunken git!”

Stella ignored the voices, they came and went when there was no response. 

Yina continued to cry and wail and howl.

“Let me help.” Tarik had indeed followed the cleric.

“You stay away lad.” Stella’s oaken amulet started to glow.

“I understand your fear but your friend here is going into shock. I can help.” he stood with that same confidence.

Stella felt Yina shaking. Her cleric healing would do nothing here as there was no wound. She cursed several times under her breath.

“What can yer do?”

“I can calm her mind. Let her memories unfold less vividly.” he took a knee next to the two halflings.

Yina let out a blood curdling scream and her body started to convulse. 

“Stella!” Tarik spoke firmly and with authority, snapping Stella out of her moment.

“Do it.” She rolled Yina into the arms of Tarik, despite the age gap she had been a soldier in a past life and reacted to the command,

She would not forget it, and when Yina was safe the lad would be getting a clip around the ear.

He quickly positioned her shaking body and began to stroke her forehead with a purple gemstone. He then held it against her brow just between the eyes. Words Stella did not understand flowed softly and in a caring whisper from him. 

Yina slowly stopped convulsing, her screams faded and she eventually rested in Tariks arms sleeping like a new born.

Stella looked on. She knew how to heal naturally and knew how to wield the divine magic of the Drydakka. But she had never seen what Tarik had done. It was both simple and impressive. 

“She will sleep until sunrise. Do you have somewhere we can lay her down? The docks are not befitting of one so connected to druidism.”

“How did you know?”

“That is not what I asked. Now please, where can I carry her so that she may rest.”

Every bit of her screamed not to risk it. There was something about him that made her question her ability to take him in a fight if needed.

“There is. But..” she started.

“I am unarmed and carrying your friend. What threat could I be? If you do not trust me then when she is safe call your celestial magic and strike me down.” he offered.

Stella thought about it for a moment.

“Follow me.”

Walking the night time streets of the port town folk paid them no mind. Drunken folk being carried home was a common sight. 

The home of Caedmon came into view as they walked up the hill. Tarik carried Yina with ease and walked just as lightly as he had done in the tavern.

No fire or candle light could be seen at the home. 

As they walked up the path to the front door Stella held her hammer so tightly that her knuckles were white. 

She had fought Calvarians and their lizard mongrels. Been wounded beyond divine healing. Fought alone in the darkness and shadows. 

But this young man put her on edge. Even if she were told he was the greatest hero to walk Colossus she knew there was death behind those ruby eyes.

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