Chapter Thirty

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Karolus had eventually fallen asleep from emotional exhaustion. The only sign that it was morning was the feeling of two scaled hands dragging him from the bed cot to his feet.

To be told he was to be released into Vendari Sofi’s personal custody. She would put him to community service and oversee the term of it. 

Prince Octavus had not pursued any deadlier punishment, happy to see Karolus witness the coming days.

Karolus was then led to, hooded, to a private villa on the estate of the House of the Bastion. The hood was removed and he was left at the gate. Feathered wings had been made from a star speckled metal and decorated the wooden gate.

The villa before him was surrounded by every colour of Oleanders imaginable. The fragile petals looked as though gently coated in gemstone dust. He walked and held his hands out letting his fingertips kiss them. The hair stood up along his arms and neck. The breeze that followed him along the path was refreshing and the perfect temperature to give comfort. 

More feather wings on the villa's marble door. Sculpted into the stone itself. Sofi stood there as soon as the sole of his boot touched the step. 

“Good morning. You look terrible.” she smiled and gestured for him to enter the villa.

Her hair was loose and the thick locks hung about her shoulders front and back. Karolus was not ready for this first thing after sleeping in a cell. 

“So do you.” he lied. 

During his lack of a good sleep and early morning travel he had come to the conclusion that Sofi was in a similar boat to Connor. For whatever reason they believed in the holy path of the Vendari.

He had to work at it, find out if this spell or whatever it was could be broken. 

Sofi mirrored the smile and closed the door behind them both.

“What is this place made of?” Karolus was lost in its asymmetrical architecture. 

“A single piece of Dragon bone.” she said proudly.

Karolus couldn’t contain his snigger. 

“There are no dragons in Colossus,” he said with a grin.

“Anymore, and at least for the moment” Sofi countered matter of factly with hopefulness in her tone. 

Rest of the day was spent working with the young komodo looking Tharros, Tarsin, shorter than Karolus but twice as wide. Despite their size they were very delicate with the Oleanders.

Karolus did what he was asked, carried what he was told and rested when breaks were allowed. Tarsin never stopped talking, telling stories of celestial warriors devoted to the dragons and each time one fell an Oleander grew, capturing their soul in their bloom. 

It was clear Tarsin was very passionate about their role in the world and knowledgeable for such a youth.

Over the next two days Karolus was tasked to move varying sizes of broken marble to assist in the building of a new rockery, in the villa grounds. 

During the evenings music was played about the villa. He could never find the source. Like an invisible harp constantly on the move. 

“I have watched you work.” Sofi took a piece of red meat from the tray and placed it on her plate. 

Karolus raised an eyebrow and drained the mug of water before him.

“You don’t give in, do you.” it wasn’t a question.

“Mother would have beat me if I did.” The memory was a fond one.

“You need to bathe and tidy your face and hair. Connor will be visiting tomorrow.”

“Did you just say I need to tidy my face?” 

“Bathe.” Sofi stated and left for the evening.

Karolus stared at her back wishing they were in a different place, a different scenario. He did as he was told and found the bathing pools. The water was permanently hot and he scrubbed his skin clean. Small spheres of coloured liquids were brought to him to rub scented soap into his long hair.

He stood before a long mirror, naked. Examining himself. His time with Stella making him run in the forest, his time with Tarik on the ship and the last couple of days moving rocks had changed him.

He hardly recognised his physique. But he enjoyed how he felt. Healthy and strong. Ready to face the whole of Calvaria. He laughed and dressed in the lower cotton wrap that had been put out for him. 

In his guesting room, or the place that curved enough into the alleged dragon bone, he saw that his sword had been set upon a table. Its sheath was alongside. He gripped the handle and felt an instant connection. The broadsword flowed through the air as he began to repeat patterns shown to him by Galwyn, Glen and Tarik.

Without an opponent or enemy to strike the movements became smoother and more fluidity. Karolus stepped forwards then darted sideways, slashing in time with his dance. 

The length of his hair became very apparent as it whipped about him as he spun, ducked and rolled. Something was with him, on the edge of his sight. More a feeling than anything corporal. 

Karolus felt the druidic runes react along the blade, jade green light keened the edge of the metal. A deep growl right behind him. But nothing was there. 

Several growls now echoed about him. 

He paused his dance and took up a crouched stance. All about him he heard druidic incantations being whispered. Voices as deep as the mountains. 


The highlander started to growl along with the voices. It wasn’t his choice yet at the same time invited the language of beasts.

A deep fire built in his stomach and spread through his veins to every bit of him. Karolus tore at his skin and pulled the flesh from his bones to reveal wolf fur beneath. Within a handful of seconds he had wild shaped into a huge black furred wolf. His sword and clothes became part of this new form.

Standing on four powerful legs before the long mirror he saw another wolf. But this one was not his reflection. This wolf stood on two legs and radiated more power than anything he’d felt. Standing in the mirror was Galwyn of the Douén.

The senses in this wolf form were strong. Supernaturally so. Karolus stared at Galwyn, tilting his head.

“Karolus.” the deep voice of Galwyn.

“Galwyn?” his own voice deeper in this form. Was it even a voice?

“Finally caught up I see.”

Karolus knew he was referring to the wolf form. 

“What is happening?” there was some urgency in the highlanders question. 

“You are revealed, your spirit awakened.” a hint of pride.

“The ritual?” Karolus thought back all those months ago surrounded by Douén.

Galwyn stared, as if it were enough of an answer.

“Tarik tells me you are with Connor.”

“Yes, but I can’t do anything.” Karolus had so many questions, including what was going on with the wolf and Tarik.

“When Connor becomes Vendari he is going to remember.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Listen boy, when the ritual finishes, Connor is going to remember everything.” Galwyn spoke with urgency.

“I won’t let the ritual happen.” He thought it but didn’t believe it.

“You are too late for that.”

As the words settled Karolus remembered something similar from Yina. She had seen a moment in time. The halfling druid had told him he would be too late.


“But nothing boy. When Tarik makes noise you grab Connor and you run. Do you understand?” Galwyn's voice now had a strained rumbling tone. 

“Galwyn I need..”

“Do it!” the glass cracked and the image of the mighty Douén disappeared.

Wolf Karolus let his head drop then something in the air caught his nose. He spun, the fur going up along his spine and a warning growl in his throat. 

Darkness consumed most of the room, a soft light illuminated only the wolf. A pair of emerald green eyes appeared, a voice filled with power reached out to Karolus.

“More than just a highlander.”

There was something about their tone that put Karolus at ease. Letting the fur drop and his growl fade.

“Who?” he asked as light returned to the room and before him was a massive ebony scaled Samos warrior in full plate armour. The biggest he had seen to date. A thick longsword and heavy steel shield.

A divine aura radiated from them and he felt its touch. It was neutral, as if probing if he were friend or foe. 

“Impressive form. I was not told you were a shifter.” The voice smooth, and familiar. 

They were comfortable around him, talked as if they knew one another. But Karolus had not spent time conversing with many Calvarians.

He concentrated and the fur resided, his paws formed back into hands and feet. It took a moment of discomfort but he was now back in his normal form. Soaked with sweat and somewhat exhausted. He imagined Yina would no doubt be telling him this would need practice. 

The Vendari in front of him put their sword and shield down and with a swirl of glittering green and black smoke stepped Sofi. 

“Sofi?” Karolus hadn’t noticed his mouth slightly open.

“You have just shifted into a wolf and back and you look surprised when others do similar?” she jested.

“Sorry, just, I mean..sorry.”  

“Apology not needed. I have come to talk.” Sofi sat at the round table in the room

Karolus nodded and joined her and tied his hair into a ponytail.

“Your sword is beautifully designed. I am told it holds the spirit magic of druids. Is this true?” Sofi gestured at the blade he rested against the table.

“To be honest I am still figuring that out.” he offered as the only answer he had.

The pair shared a quiet moment then Sofi sighed and half looked away from him to the window.

“I spoke to some people regarding our time in Toa.”

Karolus felt serious all of a sudden and leaned in.

“It would appear there is some truth in what you say. There was more bloodshed than wished.” her voice edged with sadness.

“More bloodshed than wished? Sofi these beasts ripped apart people. With tooth and claw. Hunted me and my brother down like prey.” Karolus wasn’t shouting, this way felt somehow a better way to reach her. 

“I am one of these beasts.” she stated defensively.

“I don’t think you are.” Karolus said softly.

“Connor was found. He has the greatest gift of this world bound to his spirit. He has the spark of the dragons.” her voice cracked a little at the pride and awe pouring from her.

“I don’t doubt there is something about Connor you and yours think is special but you have taken his choice of it away. He was dragged from his home and imprisoned here.”

“He is not a prisoner. You see how happy he is.” Sofi tried to defend.

“You cannot seriously think that is real. I swear to you now that no Calvarian came and spoke with me and my mother offering a wonderful life of dragons and magic.” Karolus was angry but not at Sofi, he could tell she was struggling with this info, then he saw it, she didn’t know. 

Sofi made her way over to the window and looked up at the stars. The consistent rainbow colourations spread across the night sky.

“The ritual is in a few days.” 

Karolus gripped the edge of the table then joined Sofi at the window.

“Sofi.” he gently turned her to face him.

“Please help me. I need to take Connor home.” 

A breeze blew through the room from an unknown source. The curtains flicked and the candles burned brighter for a moment. Both looked about the room feeling as if another presence had joined them.

Neither saw anybody else in there with them. Whilst Karolus was confused, Sofi reacted and straightened her posture.

“I cannot. Connor is to be a Vendari. My promise stands that I will make sure he is safe. I ask this of you Karolus, Wolf of Toa. Stand with your brother and you will wield powers great enough to go where you wish.” Sofi stared hard at the highlander hoping her message got through. 

Karolus took a step back from her. Disappointment in his eyes. 

“You truly are one of them.” and he turned his back to stare out the window. 

Sofi didn’t like that statement. She was devoted to the Dragons but was very proud of her Sovii heritage. Now was not the time to fight it out. Someone had been spying on them and she needed to put space between them. 

She left the guest room and strode to her own room. The villa was her sanctuary. A personal place away from the hustle of the politics and false friendships of the rest of the island city. 

She placed her hand on the wall and closed her eyes. The villa was made from dragonbone and it held memories, clouded and unfathomable but there they were. Sofi was Vendari, the ritual awoke the draconic spirit within her and blessed her. 

Proud to be a Vendari, a dragon celestial in some translations. When the Calvarian’s came to Sovii a great sum of wealth had been offered to her family for her. She tried to remember the conversations had with her grandparents but she could only summon the same memory. 

She had not been back to Sovii since.

Taking her hand off the wall she felt her zen returning. As she stripped the plate armour from herself and prepared for bed her thoughts dwelled on Karolus. It irritated her that she could only see him smiling at her.

Someone had scryed upon them, her guard had been down. That stupid smile on his face. Her world was spinning. He her head lay upon the pillow and sleep came slowly.

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