Chapter Nineteen

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Several Natare lizards had climbed over the sides and were into the crew with teeth, claws and blades. The scale colouration and serpent bodies told Tarik what they were. 

Cursing to himself he turned towards them and stalked in. They attacked with ferocity, in almost disregard for their own safety. Which made them predictable but also very dangerous. One wrong step and those long teeth would find purchase on your throat. 

Stella didn’t have her armour on but was no less aggressive with her war hammer and shield. As soon as the fight had started she had spoken the prayers of the Shiorraidh Cadal. The great bear heard her even out at sea. A divine light clung to her form, shaped like her half plate. 

A Natare cut down two of the crew and threw its long knife in Stellas direction to see it bounce off her shield. This would be her first opponent as the halfling cleric dropped her shoulder and charged at them. Pushing it back her hammer swung around into its knee cap with a crunch. The attack continued and fractured the lizard's skull.

“The bear protects this ship! And no snake will take it!” a simple war cry but she put energy into it. 

Tarik was impressed with the halfling and followed suit. Spinning through the Natare. His fists striking out followed by elbows when he was close enough. Never did he stand still, his talent lay in the chaos of the fight. Finding those moments to strike, to off balance the enemy. 

He took their blades from them only to find a new home for them buried in the neck or stomach of the next Natare along. When strikes did manage to come at him they were quickly dodged or parried with a grappled and repositioned enemy. 

“Clear the decks!” The crew roared at one another and in the general direction of a fight. 

Tough and sturdy as most sailors were they put in a good fight. Swords slashed, axes hewed and the odd spear was thrown into the mix. 

The number of Natare attacking was relentless. Under normal circumstances there were more than enough to take down a ship and crew of this size. But they had not been prepared to fight a battle cleric and one of Garen Rooks greatest students. 


“Where the bloody hell is he!”


Yina had seen it, Caedmon had dived over the edge. Now wasn’t the time to chase. With feet set slightly apart her hands reached out to the side. Seeking the elemental connection to the sea. Druidic magic built deep within and ran down the veins of her arms. The slap made when Yina’s hands came together could be heard all across the ship. 

There was a moment of negotiation between the forest druid and the primordial power of the sea. Yina agreed.

What followed was a pillar of water from either side of the ship, up and meeting above the druid. Eyes filled with gold leaf the pillars of water shot across the deck hitting many Natare, bludgeoning the serpents against wood..

“What the..!” was a common shout from the crew as some were caught in the druids attack. Not many complained as the majority of the damage was done to their attackers.

As Tarik avoided the elemental magic it put him in line for a clean stab. Bracing himself for the inevitable wound he heard his name called as an iron shield came through the air at him. 

He caught it and brought it swiftly down to intercept the blade. He followed around on his block and struck the rim of the shield into the lizard's throat. It gurgled and reeled away before suffocating.

Now with only her hammer she held it with two hands. Putting all her strength into the blows, if they managed to parry the Natare warriors would still be out of position to make a successful attack back.

Stella grabbed her amulet and whispered a prayer. A pulse of jade green light covered the crew, Tarik and the Natare still on the deck. Minor wounds on the crew healed, anything more fatal would have to wait. 

She then roared a prayer at her enemies. It halted them in their tracks as ethereal halflings clad for war in metals and leather stood by her side ready. She took advantage of the surprise she had made and in went the hammer. With each blow the halfling spirits slashed out and caused wounds with a cold arcane energy.

Yina was smiling proudly, seeing the faith of her friend being wielded with a skill she had known one day Stella would reach. There was more to unlock on her friend's divine journey. The druid let the water pillars return to their home of the sea and shaped into a massive grey wolf. Now on four legs Yina rushed into the fray ripping and tearing with lupine teeth.

Spinning low, kicking the feet from under two of the lizards, Tarik rolled over them using the shield to take their knives from them and turned them against their previous wielders. Seeing the magic Stella was bringing forth raised his confidence in the outcome of the attack.

Several of the Natare were now dead or soon to be. Almost a dozen died to the count of three of the crew. Tarik was now fighting close to Stella, orbiting her as she went in with the hammer. He used her shield to defend her and his fists and feet to attack. The grey wolf of Yina was everywhere, rushing in and taking large bites out of the sea serpents. 

They were moments away from having the decks cleared as a few of the Natare were now leaping back into the waters. But any that remained were not shown mercy.

As the attack had happened and he saw Karolus leap from the front of the ship. The Neroliath, Caedmon, had turned and leapt off the back. He had to trust that the crew and unique passengers could handle it. His immediate concern was the highlander. 

Moving through the water was as easy as walking for the sea giant captain. His powerful body was one with the sea at this moment and he moved beneath the surface like a leviathan of old.

The ship was moving away at speed but Caedmon cared not, Right now he needed to find Karolus. He had to be around somewhere. He couldn’t see him. Panic started to creep in, more so when he saw the scaled crests along the back of the Natare that had followed after him. 

Fighting with blades in the water was not easy, especially ones the size of the great sword on his back. He would have to let them close. He was confident in most fights that ended up in the water but his opponents were just as comfortable as he was and they weren’t worrying about a friend at the same time. 

A burning sensation tore across his ribs, the acidic spit of the Natare hit him on the left flank. They were able to infuse the water and jet it out in an attack. He reached down and felt the wound. It was a strange texture beneath the water but still as painful. 

He couldn’t let them stay back and pepper him so with a push Caedmon swam directly at the three Natare. Jets of the acidic liquid shot past him. Only one more hitting his shoulder as he smashed into the trio. All four moved with ease in the water and the fight was as if all combatants were free to move as they so wished. 

Caedmon’s strength was his best advantage, close quarters. He grabbed out at the nearest accepting the slash to his forearm and caught them by the throat. His grip tightened quickly and crushed their windpipe. Bubbles and blood rushed to the surface.

It gained him another knife wound to the back and a glancing bite to his face. His navy blue blood leaked out into the waters. 

The Neroliath now wrestled with the remaining two, unable to get enough of an advantage on one to take them out the fight. More cuts and claw wounds appeared across his chest, arms, legs and back.

They wrapped around him trying to restrain, but the mighty creature was too strong, the Neroliath were truly giant bloodied.

Karolus bobbed in the water. Treading as best he could watching the ship sail away. He had then seen two of the creatures leap back into the water and some swimming at him. A moment later he saw Caedmon dive into the sea with more of the lizards following. He knew he would have to fight the two coming at him before he could get to Caedmon.

They were so fast, moving through the water as if they were made of it. Karolus took deep breaths. The water was freezing, he pushed it from his mind. The vision had made him jump. Right now he felt stupid but it had to wait. As they were now upon him. 

There was no ranged attack, the pair swam right up to Karolus with long knives drawn. It was not a smart idea but he pushed himself forwards into the lizard letting the blow hit. The blade bit into his flesh across his back. Not puncturing, just cutting. Karolus held the air in with all the willing he could muster. 

He now had one in his arms and the pair spun. It swam downward. They were going to drown him. Panicked and fear struck he tried to break his grapple. It had been his idea. He had killed himself. 

The duo swam down and down dragging him with them. He saw the joy in their glass like eyes of silvery white. 

“Well, I did not see this coming.” he heard the voice of Yina softly giggling in his mind. 

Then it touched. At his fingertips at first to hands, along his arms and across his chest. He felt the warmth of when Yina used her magic on him. But it was more potent, more personal. It was his. 

Staring at the Natare gripping him, he sunk his claws, the claws that had now grown from his fingers. Deep into the lizard's chest they went, and with a gargled snarl ripped their throat out with sharpened teeth. Almost immediately his teeth and fingers were back to normal.

It had definitely slowed the descent into the depths. The remaining Natare stabbed at the drowning highlanders chest. But an eruption of force beneath the waters blasted out from Karolus pushing his opponent away and breaking bones. But it was too little too late, he had run out of air.

Caedmon had snapped the neck and limbs of a second and now faced the last. His wounds were minor but he carried many. The immediate area about him was decorated with his lifeblood. His left arm had a deeper wound he knew as he couldn’t grip the long knife he had taken. The mistake was made, the Natare surged forwards thinking its giant prey was done. But it had been a ruse. The Neroliath came to action in the blink of an eye and rammed the small blade into the stomach of his final opponent. This coincided with a rush of movement spinning him around. A rush of water akin to a riptide crashed into him. 

He swam in its direction to see Karolus sinking, not moving. Arms and legs limp and the odd tiny bubble coming from his mouth. Caedmon swam as fast as he could, passing the broken boned Natare and slitting its throat as he did.

His own blood streaming out behind him. Grabbing Karolus he tried to shake him conscious. The sea giant raced towards the surface. Praying to any that would listen that Karolus lived. He pulled him close as he swam and put his lips to the highlanders. Breathing into him precious oxygen. 

Almost leaping out of the sea, Caedmon broke the surface. Laying back with Karolus held so his head was resting on the Neroliaths chest facing skyward. 

“Karolus, wake up. Come on now.” Caedmon rubbed the highlanders chest.

It was slow at first, but with immediate threat of his own life out of the way Caedmon started to feel nauseous. Weakness filtered into his limbs. Remaining conscious was becoming more difficult. The immediate area a distinct darker blue as his blood seeped from the many wounds. 

“No. Not yet. Karolus wake. Think of Connor. Think of Glen. Wake, live.” with each word his voice quietened. 

A loud cough and spluttering water Karolus half choked on the sea water and air trying to rush back into his body. His arms clung tight to Caedmons forearm. 

“I’m awake, I’m awake.” The highlander settled and rested against the Neroliath. 

“Thats good. Now swim to the ship.” Caedmon whispered with his eyes closed. 

“Caedmon, Caedmon!” Karolus was now the one cradling the sea giant, a feat the water helped greatly with. 

Karolus looked about and saw the ship in the distance. Too far ahead to call out and be heard and moving too fast for him to catch. Caedmon was unconscious, his breathing was shallow. Karolus could see the wounds clearly as with every lap of water it cleaned the wound of blood and showed the cut flesh.

Tears came, not that it would have been noticed. Despair was clawing at him. Within moments of Yina telling him of his brother.

“Yina.” he said out loud as if struck.

“Yina! Can you hear me?” Karolus shouted as loud as he could but then closed his eyes tight and tried to concentrate. 

“Yina, please. I need you.” he didn't shout, instead he tried to think as loud as he could if even such a thing was possible.

The sea was quiet. The only noise, the water hitting both of them gently. When Yina didn’t respond he latched on to the fight before he had gone unconscious. 

He had changed, used magic. It was the same as Yina’s. He had somehow used druidic magic. Yina could heal with it, maybe he could too.

Karolus put his hands over a wound on Caedmon's flank and concentrated. Reached out to the feeling that was with him when his teeth sharpened. He felt its primal mark. But there was more to it, it wasn’t feral, it was his to wield. But he had done something else, the tidal push. 

It was right there, he could sense it, like the smell of an apple, not a ripe one though. A seed he could feel the life in the seed seeking a journey to grow. The life energy surging through its trunk and branches. Life, he needed to wield that natural life energy. 

Just out of reach, until it wasn’t. It made sense to him now. In his mind's eye he took an apple from the branches and smiled. Warmth manifested beneath his palm. The magic of the druids flowed from him into the wound and smaller ones close to it. He watched as the green light brightened then faded.

Some of the wounds healed but there were many more and no matter how he tried he could not grasp the magic again. But his smile spread from ear to ear when Caedmon squeezed his hand.

All around them were dozens of the water spirits Karolus had seen with the Douén, on the raft with Connor. He thanked them and they gave respectful bows before becoming one with the sea again.

“You look cute when..” Caedmon started softly.

“When what?” Karolus interrupted smiling through tears, the relief more than obvious.

“I’ve got nothing. You look cute.” Caedmon coughed painfully.

Karolus looked about them, the ship was getting smaller. 

“Well, cute or not, we are not in a good place.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.” The Neroliath forced a smile and lost it with another painful cough. 

“How foolish of me.” Karolus kissed his forehead and laid his head on the sea giant's chest. 

He stared at the palm of his hand, the one he had healed with but a moment ago. Nothing, he couldn’t feel the connection. It was as if he had dreamed it. Maybe he had and he was actually dead. His soul cursed to sit in the sea for eternity for not saving Connor and letting everyone else die. 

The fighting was over. The decks clear. After a head count only four of the crew remained. The rest had fallen in the fight or died shortly after. Stella had managed to use as much of her prayers as she could to keep folks standing but even then she had limits. 

Yina had spent her magic also and was drained. They had been close to victory a few times but each time more Natare had climbed the railings. T

The halfling druid had rushed to the back of the ship to stare out across the sea and try to spot Karolus and Caedmon. But the ship had moved fast. If they were still alive they would be far behind, and she had no idea how easy it would be to just turn around and retrace their steps.

“Don’t worry lass, they be alright. The captain might be a bastard when it comes to deal making but I trust him to do right by Karolus.” Stella put a sore arm across her druidic friend's shoulders.

“Karolus is alive, I felt him.”

“Yer sure?”

“Sure about what?” Tarik stepped up next to the halfling, drinking from his waterskin and sharing it with the pair. 

“Yes I am sure.”

“Yina here reckons Karolus might be a druid.” Stella failed to hide her sarcasm.

“It would make sense.” Tarik adjusted his clothing. 

The halflings looked up at him questioningly, more so from Stella. 

“Once or twice he has shown fang and claw. Though he hasn’t noticed it. A minor cantrip he is using more through reflex than anything else. He is restless and distracted when we train at night, specifically when we use the light of the moon to illuminate our sessions.” Tarik seemingly happy with how he had redressed after the fight. 

“Well, we haven’t had a moon druid for an age in Toa. We need to turn around and go look for them.” Yina said excitedly.

“I’ll get’em on it.” Stella headed to the remaining crew to give the order, muttering about a youngling and the moon.

Tarik and Yina watched for a little while longer. More to have something to do other than wait. 

The Natare were along way from Calvaria. They had not used ships to travel to them. Magic had been used to not only find the party but to send several waves of the warriors with no other goal than blood. 

Karolus and Caedmon floated. The Neroliath did not feel the cold of the sea and so the highlander was almost laying atop of him like a raft. They laughed about it and waited. Caedmon made light of their predicament, internally hoping he didn’t die in the approaching night.

As the last light of the day disappeared the temperature dropped significantly. Karolus was turning blue and Caedmone was speaking quieter and quieter. 

Both Caedmon and Karolus eyes closed what they thought to be the last time. When something started to nudge them. It was a seal, with bright youthful hazel eyes. Its nose jabbed into Karolus several times waking him before repeating on the Neroliath.

“Friend of yours?” asked Karolus.

“Of yours actually.” as the seal shaped into a halfling druid, bobbing in the water, now soaking and grinning from ear to ear.

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