Chapter Twenty Five

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Yina had used her cantrips of druid craft to decorate her guest room with as much lavender as she could. The room looked like a grove from the highlands. Stella had walked in early, took one sniff and immediately turned around.

“It can’t be that bad.” Karolus laughed at Stella's morning report.

“I'm telling yer. Purple everywhere.”

Karolus carried on dressing whilst laughing at the disgruntled cleric. He was looking in the long mirror in his room. His body had filled out. His muscles were thicker and his cheeks fuller. He felt stronger, faster, and ready. He repeated Tariks' words.

“One thing at a time.” he took a deep breath and dressed before following Stella to the gardens. 

Stella had been up earlier talking with Lucretia. The halfling did her clan proud and cooked a massive breakfast, taking anything and everything from the villa's stores. Meats, fruits, sweet breads, peach pie, boiled eggs, fish. It was a breakfast banquet. Jugs of water, red wine and grape juice were on the tables to accompany the food. 

Karolus sat and ate watching Stella. Despite the war wounds she now carried she looked as she had when he first met her. The elder of a halfling village, enjoying baking and just living peacefully. Hosting those in need.

“One thing at a time.” he said softly to stop himself going down the rabbit hole of what if.

Lucretia and Stella were laughing as they went back and forth bringing plates of food out. Sharing cooking tips and swapping recipes. It was a surreal and wholesome scene. 

“Wow, we are eating well this morning.” Yina jumped into a seat next to Karolus. 

“Looks that way aye. Them two are having fun.” the highlander gestured at the duo. 

“Good, it's been a long time since Stella was in the kitchen. Secretly its where she would live if she could, but alas, bears get crabby in small places.” Yina eyed a hot peach greedily. 

“How many clans of halflings are there?” Karolus let out a chuckle as he pictured a small Stella bear rolling about a tiny kitchen.

“So many, they started out as family names, then grew to small communities.” Yina smacked her lips as the sweet flavour took over her senses.

Tarik entered the gardens, a towel wrapped around his waist. Fresh from a morning swim. Thin lines crisscrossed all over his body front and back. Karolus had not asked about them on the ship but his curiosity was growing.

Tarik eyed the banquet in his garden. He didn’t seem pleased or displeased either way. He filled a plate full of, well pretty much everything and sat with his back against the nearest peach tree.

“Today we see Galwyn?” Karolus asked, taking a plate of his own and joining the Nabbatan

“Yes, today we see the wolf.” Tarik stared straight ahead, his mind making note of as many possibilities as it could regarding the next twenty four hours. 

Stella and Lucretia made sure everyone ate their fill. The pair then swapped cooking stories with the group. Birthday feasts that spoke of drunken relatives knocking over a cake that stood twenty feet high, and nobles trying to be complimentary about a dish they were allergic to. It was all silly and fun. Even Tarik threw in the odd laugh.

Filled to the rim Tarik encouraged them to be dressed and very ready for the day. His body language and tone told them he had concerns about meeting with Galwyn. They took note. Even Yina was paying attention, she was key to alerting Karolus how serious it was.

Outside the villa two black and white patched ponies and two chestnut horses were all saddled and waiting. An old bent-backed Samos held their reigns.

“Good morning Dominus.” his pale red scales didn’t hold the shine as strongly as the younger natives of Calvaria.

“Good morning Alexios.” Tarik gave a respectful nod and took the reins. 

“There is a banquet awaiting you in the gardens.” Tarik smiled and handed the pony reigns to Stella and Yina and one of the horses to Karolus.

“They knew they were for you Dominus. Charged double because of it. Thieves that need talking to. It's disrespectful.” Alexios said angrily.

“Do not let it ruin your breakfast.” Tarik pulled himself up into the saddle.

“You are House of the Rook, Dominus, they should be made to remember that.” Alexios had a fiery passion on the subject.

Alexios ignored Tariks guests and headed into the villa grabbing a fallen peach from the ground and taking a sharp toothed bite from it.

Riding a horse along the marbled roads, being much higher than those that travelled on foot felt strange to Karolus. The Calvarian’s stared at him sometimes with disdain and other times with indifference.

“Alexios seemed pretty upset.” Karolus ventured.

“There are those that do not like my position within the city.” Tarik said matter of factly.

“How so?”

“Calvaria and I do not get along, leave it at that.”

The highlander did so.

The city was full of many folks from across the world, but some stuck out more than others. In this case it was themselves. They wore simple fashion of the island but to the locals, they could spot newcomers a mile away.

It was the looks Tarik was getting that caused food for thought. Fear was mostly what Karolus picked up on. The Calvarian’s wouldn’t make eye contact, or risk looking on for too long.  

“What's with the funny looks?” Karolus asked as some of the young wyrmlings stared at them, sometimes following them as far as several streets.

“Horses and ponies are a niche market here. Mostly bought and sold for and from visitors. A simple way of making friends. They don’t get to ride around the city.” Tarik made sure he met the eyes of anyone staring too strongly at them. 

“So what do they ride?" The highlander was all for the idea they were trade items but this was an entire island city. 

“You should open your eyes more. Otherwise you will miss the world right in front of you.” 

Tarik getured skyward to the Wyverns darting backwards and forwards across the skies. His hand then pointed at several wingless Wyverns being rode in the same way they were on the horses.

Karolus held the horse steady as he turned a full circle. It was like a curtain being pulled back. His tunnel vision had done a grand job of keeping him blinded to the obvious. 

Seeing them he thought back to their ride with Cestus on the wagon. The horse pulling it seemed to give itself more space than needed for its size. 

“Cestus horse?” he asked

“An illusion lad, probably for yer benefit. That thing was hefty.” Stella grinned.

“You knew?”

“I thought you did, it wasn’t any grand trick.” Stella shrugged her shoulders. 

“Well now that piece of tourist information has been established. Can we carry on?” Tarik asked with fake politeness.

Karolus nodded and they moved on.

Tarik guided them through some of the smaller villages of the island city. Letting them gauge the size of the place. Letting it seep into their plans of a snatch and run. He knew it wouldn’t work but also knew any words he put forth they would argue against. The halfling cleric was still adamant it was the best course of action.

“What in tha name of the Drydakka is that?” Stella held her amulet.

Immediately to their NorthWest was a structure so large the highlanders thought it might be a small mountain. The marble structure was circular in design, vast pillars of multicoloured glass held up the conical roof. Light refracted through the pillars amplifying the arcane auras of the gemstones within. 

It was midday and still the lights fought for dominance against the sun, laying claim to the vision surrounding it. Upon its roof a titanic sculpture of a dragon on four legs, wings turned inward shielding the nest of eggs before it. 

The piece was made up of travertine stone and sea corals of pinks and greens. The highlanders needed to double take to convince themselves they weren’t looking at an actual dragon. 

“That is The Mausoleum of Peperit.” Tarik said as if scripted. 

“Yer telling me some rich lizard is buried there?” Stella had turned the pony to the side of the bridge they were on. 

“Quite the opposite. It is a place of life. True life. It is where those blessed by Uldryd and their Legions go to accept the draconic gift. “ Tarik was looking at Karolus as he spoke. 

“It’s where Connor will go.” he stated more than asked. 

Tarik nodded. 

It was a formidable and breathtaking sight. 

“One thing at a time.” he whispered and trotted up beside Tarik who gave him a nod of agreement to his words.

“Are we close?” Karolus asked.

Tark pointed ahead of them to a bright blue lake. The bridge they were on took them into a town and then another bridge almost back on themselves to the lake.

The horses and ponies trotted on with their riders. New beasts to the island had to spend time getting used to being around the constant presence of magic and the draconic nature of the Calvarians, but these four had been here for months and were calm. 

Yina had also been taking advantage of the time riding to show Karolus some minor druidic magic. She had even tried to grow flowers in Tariks hair but they wouldn’t bloom, much to her irritation, instantly falling away.

They ate a simple lunch in the town before them. The highlanders were half treated as tourists until Tarik was seen as to be with them and then they were left alone. 

“Over the bridge we will arrive at the Suraquintarus Lake. Galwyn is residing beneath its surface. When we enter, please follow my lead.” Tarik had been spinning the scenario of entering the place with his three companions. Said scenario was going to be energetic. 

“I don’t understand.” Karolus stroked the lively gecko that was as big as a cat and clearly belonged to the business they were eating at. 

“I told yer. Hidden truths this one.” Stella didn’t make any attempt to hide her scowl. 

“I will explain when we are with Galwyn.” was the only response Tarik would offer. 

His eyes were on the pair of Samos that had been following them since they left the villa. He was confident they were of the House Kyanite.

Crossing the bridge and approaching the banks of The Suraquintarus Lake. Blue glass spread out before them. Another moment of awe encompassed their gaze. At its banks were hamlets, many of them. 

The Calvarians, Karolus could see in these hamlets were dressed simply but they moved around with purpose and keen eyes. Eyes that were on the four non Calvarians tying off horses and ponies to then venture across the glass lake. 

“Are they guarding the lake?” he asked Tarik quietly who walked with caution. As if he were waiting for the glass to crack and swallow them up. 

“They are. Now please be quiet, I need to make sure I get this right.” Tarik had always come alone but with three more the workings of entering the prison beneath would be difficult for him.

Yina had all of a sudden become uncomfortable. Stella noticed and took out her hammer and removed the shield from her back.

“What's wrong?” asked Karolus, now reaching for his broadsword.

The guards from the closest hamlets to them had now revealed they were armoured in leather and iron. All had long bows trained at them.

“Tarik.” Karolus whispered worriedly. They had no cover out on the glass lake.

“I told you to be quiet.” He had found the place he needed to. Taking a knee and a bone quill he traced out a sigil on the glass. Scratching in the pattern.

Yina was laid flat, her cheek and ear pressed to the deep blue glass. Her eyes took on an amber hue.

“There is a shaman here. One who sees what others don’t wish to see.” she said with a monotone.

“Yina, get up will yer.” Stella gave her a little nudge with her foot. 

She was already on edge and ready for a fight, now wasn’t the time for her childhood friend to be having a druid moment.

“They are broken.” Yina whispered sadly and a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Now, Karolus place your palm here and repeat after me.” Tarik pulled Karolus to him.


“Just do it please.” 

Karolus could see the seriousness in Tariks eyes. He put his hand in the middle of the glyph etched into the glass surface.

Tarik spoke a series of draconic words over and over again and encouraged Karolus to repeat them. Moments after doing so Karolus felt his hand stick to the glass. 

No matter how hard he tried it wouldn’t come away. The glyph lit up, the magic in the groove looked like liquid as it traced the pattern. 

A perfect circle of nearly twenty feet in diameter around them appeared and it soon became clear that it was no longer part of this glass lake. Karolus pulled away.

“Hold your breath.” Tarik looked relieved for a second before taking a long breath.

The disc they were on started to descend and water rushed over it. As if the glass was akin to that of an ice lake. The water was cold but didn’t freeze. The highlanders took a deep breath as the water came over their heads. They didn’t float and so the halflings were submerged first. 

The disc descended. Everything was silent. All about them was deep blue water. Above the light of day faded away. Karolus remembered seeing the guards on the bank satisfied without whatever had happened and turned their backs on them.

His lungs started to hurt. Stella looked so angry it actually calmed him for a moment. Yina was rocking back and forth on her feet smiling. 

He wasn’t surprised to see Tarik standing with his eyes closed. Small bubbles leaving his lips every few moments. 

The cavernous tunnels beneath them came into view. The ceiling was missing from the one they were descending directly at. 

As they passed the stone into the huge cave the water didn't follow and they all quickly took in air. 

Guards immediately fanned out in front of them with spears held in their direction. The party ignored them for the immediate moment as they gathered their bearings. 

“Yer gonna explain that lad?” Stella shoved Tarik.

Tarik held his hand up and straightened himself out to speak with the guards.

“Back again, and so soon.” the same old guard from a couple nights before grinned, sharp teeth showed.

“You can put the spears down, the glyph of entry was correct was it not?” Tarik asked rhetorically.

“It was, but not by you though was it? And you can keep that badge to yourself, Rookling.” 

Tarik made a step closer to Karolus as the old Samos stepped into the highlanders personal space. 

“How is it that you know our glyph of entry?” his breath was hot and stinking of wine. 

Karolus backed off and wafted his hand in front of his nose. 

“It was shared with me so that I may see a friend of mine staying here.” He wasn’t lying.

“You got a friend here. Well that is interesting. And who might this friend be?” the elder asked with a wicked look in his eye.

“Galwyn of the Toan Highlands.” Karolus said with more pride than he had intended. He was still trying to work out where they were, it wasn’t a place that gave off good vibes.

“The wolf? He's been fairly popular these last few days.” he growled in Tarik’s direction.

“Well if the glyph of entry was indeed a gift then a guest of honour you must be.” the old guard spread his arms out mockingly.

Now facing his guards.

“Please show…” he looked at the highlanders.

“I’m Karolus and this is Stella..”

“Of Clan Fuine.” Stella stepped forwards, her hammer and shield still at the ready.

Karolus saw the divine energy beneath the surface brimming, ready to pour out through her hammer.

“And this is Yina of..”

“Oh, currently Clanless. But I’ll still hurt you if you hurt us.” she beamed.

The Samos nodded his head and rolled his bottom lip. An unimpressed look upon his face. 

“Well you heard it. Please show these fine nobles to their wolven friend.”

As they were led on Karolus gave a look to Tarik that spoke of confusion and anger. The boat was about to be rocked.

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